I swear it’s true bro 😭
If you’re here, there’s still hope for the internet
Don’t let it fall
I swear it’s true bro 😭
wow. He never grew beyond 12 yrs old it seems. This is the same type of thinking that leads you to say that we should cull our elderly and disabled because they’re a drain on society. Or forceful eugenics. No wonder he’s also obsessed with the birth rate.
Is there a name for this? Narcissistic Hero syndrome?
True but he doesn’t need to. It’s the door in face technique
We can’t give them the boot for a good while. In the meantime, what would you have us do?
It’s an evangelical ritual where they lay hands on someone and pray for them
Running an index is quite a massive endeavor at the scale of Google. They’re a small team.
I think it makes sense considering there’s a competitive market of indexes already. They make small ones to cover some niches and use existing ones for the rest.
Keep in mind they also add their own reranking and stuff on top of Bing Google whatever
Kagi has multiple indexes of their own
And the AI stuff is all opt on from what I can tell. I’ve never gotten any AI thing except when I asked for it
Aren’t you contradicting yourself if you only buy aldis store brand?
Idk that happens to me every time I try to sleep in public.
Actually basically any sort sleep.
If this sub for conservatives or for dunking on them?
Can learn
Technical talk is always half english anyway
I hope you marked the account as a bot
That should come with reputational consequences - not just for the journalist, but also for the platform that amplified their speculation
This is already true though? At least for respectable sources.
Anyway reputation is socially enforced. You can’t make a law about it
Where does the “learn more” go to?
It’s not stupidity, it’s targeted propaganda. He knows what he was doing
No one asked. Bro blurted it out off the official account and people are understandably concerned
Did something change with the babylon bee? Sudden surge of actually decent content all of a sudden
on onlyfans, like most platforms, the vast majority of people make little to nothing
Occasionally. Other times it makes people angrier