A cranky biologist who means well. My hobbies include long walks off short piers and anything science related.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • I think that a lot of rank-and-file professional scientists share that motivation. I know that deep down I am still a wide eyed child who got into science for those very reasons.

    I find that trait less common once you get to director/general manager type roles. There’s a selection process that favors less idealistic (aka sociopathic) mindsets.

    I personally think the innovation we need desperately is to figure out how to stop putting machiavelian monsters into positions of power.

  • I have found too as a teacher that there are a lot of people who straight up hate teachers specifically. Culturally we pay a lot of lip service to teaching being a respected profession, but we all know how hollow that is.

    I get it. Schools are anxiety-factories. Your weaknesses are often put on display and not every student/teacher interaction is supportive.

    Now there is this belligerent core of folks who celebrate their ignorance and I see that as a maladaptive coping mechanism to that anxiety that comes from confronting (or being confronted by) one’s own ignorance.

  • As a kid we had a neighbor that ran a bee-brothel and had hives all over the region. Since his hives would just sit on un-used corners of farmland, he would offer some honey annually as ‘rent’. (He was also generous with his boat so a couple waterskiing trips were also on the table).

    We (2 parents, 4 kids) would get a 5 gallon can of honey every other year or so.

    That has been over 45 years now and my father is still working through that supply. We put it in sealed mason jars and it has remained good all this time.