There was a window where the AMD 6000 series were cheap and readily available, which was probably your best bet. Now we have to wait the AI bubble to burst. Hopefully.
There was a window where the AMD 6000 series were cheap and readily available, which was probably your best bet. Now we have to wait the AI bubble to burst. Hopefully.
ARC unfortunately still has a few driver problems. While it’s infinitely better than when it launched, if you went with it most of the time you’d have to wait a few weeks before new games are playable.
Every game that didn’t get made is the greatest game of all time in someone’s head.
Why do we like to pretend waterfall is this great old way to do stuff that had no problems at all?
Yes, that’s why the US wants european countries to increase defense spending. It inevitably means more money in the pockets of the american MIC
That would’ve have worked in February 2022, but Russia has commited too much to settle for just that.
Like I said: Ukraine has resisted and won many battles, but overall the war is not going their way. Russia has taken a small part of Ukraine, but it’s most of what they’ve claimed as theirs. If anything, the coming catastrophe is more likely to come from the ukrainian side (with all the recruitment difficulties) rather than the russian one.
I’m not sure I understand. The article you have linked concludes with:
Writing for The Bell, Russian economy experts Alexander Kolyandr and Alexandra Prokopenko also disputed what they described as “claims of an imminent catastrophe” for the Russian economy. “In our view, all things being equal, it’s unlikely that the economy will implode soon,” they write. They have a point.
Which just agrees with what I’ve said about sanctions not working.
A lot of news about this conflict has been about what Ukraine would like to be true, rather than the facts.
So you think that if they keep fighting they’ll turn it around sometime in the future?
If they were winning, we’d see russian advances on the battlefield stopping or being reversed, and what we are seeing is the exact opposite.
Maybe they will attack again, but is throwing every last body they have to their deaths somehow going to help?
Yes, but they very much were not the game changers as touted by western leaders. Russia still very much has air superiority, which has been key for their battlefield results.
There’s no evidence that Russia is going to lose steam economically or on the battlefield any time soon. Continuing to fight a losing war will only make any final deal between the US, Russia and Ukraine worse for the latter. There’s a reason the 2022 treaty that was proposed looks unrealistic today, and whatever deal they make now will be much better than when they finally run out of men in the Ukrainian army.
With the situation as it stands, negotiating is the best way out if you actually care about Ukraine. If you just want to weaken Russia then sure, fight to the last ukrainian.
The point I’m making is that they are receiving the weapons the US and Europe can make/spare, and they are still losing on the battlefield. If negotiating is not the way to go (as the meme implies) then what’s the way to victory? As it’s going, every man in Ukraine will die and they’ll still lose.
Can someone explain how you are supposed to get Russia to leave? Sanctions didn’t work, lethal aid didn’t work, F-16s didn’t work, and striking Russia itself isn’t either.
You can argue for the war to continue I suppose, but Ukraine isn’t winning and I’m not seeing anything here that would change that fact.
What usually happens in China is that, if the accused cooperates, their death sentence is commuted to life imprisonment. Otherwise they are indeed executed.
With the amount of 9s and 10s coming out, why would you waste time with a 7? The polarisation is just an effect of the language of clickbait spreading in society, but doesn’t change the fact that average games are probably not worth your time.