Gays had to hide from a secret police in the 80s? Hippies in the 60s? There was discrimination (and still is for gays) but I don’t think it’s anywhere similar to how pervasive and powerful the ideological grip was in the USSR
I’d say a more apt analogy would be blacks and our police state. They actually get imprisoned at rates that are in the same ballpark as the Soviet gulags.
Another more modern analogy would perhaps be illegals in US over the last decade or two.
Me personally, I find it fascinating how people survive under brutal regimes. It’s very hard for a government, no matter how repressive, to truly kill ideas.
The country I was born in went through a military dictatorship for some decades. During this dictatorship, people would be disappeared and you would not know what happened to them.
They were building a highway in modern times some years back and they accidentally dug up a mass grave with hundreds of bodies.
Even during this dictatorship, though, people would make music and art and express themselves. But they would have to do it within the constraints of the system. Your message had to be coded and metaphorical and vague for rhe censors to let it pass.
The culture not only survived through the repression, it ultimately incorporated it and became (in my opinion) mode profound in ways that is hard to explain.
To be cliche- “life finds a way”
Example- “the gulag archipelago” by aleksandr solzhenitsyn
And really a lot of Russian literature from 1800s-1900s. Some of the most beautiful art created in some of the most repressive and brutal environments you can imagine
Reddit may actually be doing a lot of people a big favor.
Today Trump’s DHS went out and arrested a Palestinian student at Columbia for participating at a protest a year prior. Our federal agents are becoming like the KGB- hunting down political dissidents.
I believe that is just a start. I think people would be wise to be careful about the things they post online. If you do post content you believe the administration may not like, I suggest making an anonymous account with an email not linked to your personal name.
I have a hunch that people will be arrested in the near future for posting things online.