Yup, if someone could make a bot that changes every comment I’ve ever made into promotion of violence I’d run it. Fuck them stooges.
Yup, if someone could make a bot that changes every comment I’ve ever made into promotion of violence I’d run it. Fuck them stooges.
In all honesty with all the red hate for blue states I’m hella over helping them. It’s like being in an abusive relationship and our leadership just rolls over and takes it.
We should demand concessions to keep sending these welfare queens our money.
I get what you’re saying but agree with the other guy. Just saying brother’s ink or toner is first party instantly makes it sound like other brands are inferior. Just because you’re intelligent enough to know that’s not true doesn’t mean everyone is. If recent history has taught me anything, it’s that the average person is far less intelligent than you’d assume.
Back before everyone had maps on their phone, printing MapQuest maps was fantastic. This was the early 00’s though and we all had money to burn still.
As far as I’m concerned we should just admit they’re gullible and want to blame someone for their failings. Let’s take that and manipulate them to our ends. Blame the billionaires, call them thieves, keep rattling the cage and provoking them. Tell them they’d have a Ferrari if Bozo and the rat didn’t steal from them. Sure it’s gross, but it’s what you’d do with a child refusing to take their medicine. It’s ultimately for their own good.
But Jobs was only the first half. Woz was the intelligent one, he just wasn’t a greedy narcissist who stole from his friends (that was also Jobs if that’s not clear).