Well I would argue that looking at the USA’s Debt to Liquidity ratio you can see we are definitely in the red.
Well I would argue that looking at the USA’s Debt to Liquidity ratio you can see we are definitely in the red.
I keep hoping air force one suffers a catastrophic failure as a result of shoddy work from Boeing and crashes in flames with the majority of the cabinet and musk on board. But i bet it was made before corporations began outsourcing everything and cutting costs to increase their profits so this is unlikely. But it doesn’t hurt to hope. Some how i don’t think a musk theil yarvin cock sucker like vance would be any better and maybe even worse if he took over.
Unfortunately sanders is one of our better actors within the institution. Many leftists would have been happy and welcoming of a sanders administration for 2 terms. FDR was also partially aligned with fascists but as far as presidential administrations go he did the most for the working class that anyone ever did(thankfully he was elected for 4 terms) sanders however flawed he may be would have been as close to a new age fdr as we were ever going tk get and this is why the dnc shot themselves in the foot and disgraced their electorate. The democratic party is a center right party so yes bernie sanders is a little too close to center to be a real leftist and he compromises too much with centrists and conservatives but this is the only way to get things done within a partisan class dictatorship we have.
But since the dnc made it clear they would rather move to the right and attempt to court conservative voters rather than move even a centimeter to the left they made it crystal clear the only way to remedy the rot and corruption of corporatist control in our political system is a full on revolution/ class war which has been waged against the working class for the last 5-6 decades at least.
You need to do some reading. Ballot box socialism/ ballot box progress doesnt work. Those in power who use their wealth to simultaneously manipulate the democratic system and protect themselves from democracy always get the last say. The democratic party will always work to suppress working class ideals and thwart economic democracy. And neo liberal western democracy which purposefully excludes economic democracy by design is a class dictatorship. The system will not remedy itself through the mechanisms of the system which are all compromised by corruption. Revolution is now the only way to remedy the issues. Anyone saying otherwise is conditioned and brainwashed to accept their place within class dictatorship. Every political process of our system has been corrupted by money. To believe that our presidential elections still have integrity is delusional and naive. If the wealthy can use their wealth to compromise a system to achieve their goals they always will do so and then further use their wealth to obfuscate the truth. In germany their highest court ruled that electronic voting is unconstitutional because it is impossible to differentiate between fraudulent results and legitimate ones for anyone who isnt a cyber security/ IT expert. Both parties are fascist albeit one more so than the other but voting for the less fascist party in the hopes that we will be able to pressure an already compromised system towards progress is delusional. Instead of moving even A centemeter to the left what did the democratic party do this last election cycle!? They moved more to the right in an attempt to court republicans with endorsements from bush, cheney and any other wat mongering wall street puppet they could get to support them. There are 14 defining characteristics of fascism which can be simplified by understanding that fascism at its core is the amalgamation of corporate power and goverment/ military power. But of these 14 the only one trait that we can plausibly deny as being evident are fraudulent elections. But it is not just naive and delusional to believe that line hasn’t been crossed yet because of democracy and American / western ideals, it is dumb and mathematically incorrect. If those in power would allow 93% of the fascist traits to coalesce they surely would not stop there. The one half truth that trump told was that our elections are rigged. But he had no issue when they were rigged in his favor in 2016 because he benefited from the corruption. Those in power meet in private and select who they want to puppet their class dictatorship for four years. They smear malign and sabotage anyone who challenges their illusory democracy and impose this regime by means of manufactured consent using their owned media outlets. If democracy functioned as you believe it does then we would have just wrapped up 2 terms of a bernie sanders administration and things would be a little better than they are. That was the compromise we were willing to make and those in power made it clear they were unwilling to listen to the people and allow that to happen so they used their corporate media to sabotage and manipulate the narrative and force the continuation of their broken status quo tepid neo liberal class dictatorship down our throats as has been the norm since kennedy was assassinated.
The democratic party is a right wing party. The two party system isnt even a real two party system because of this. Democrats are controlled opposition and ultimately they allow what is called the ratchet effect to happen. Any time a far right authoritarian regime is in power they push the lever as far right as they can and the democrats do nothing to move in the other direction and any image of an attempt to do so is just them pushing the lever against the pawls of a ratchet so that no meaningful movement to the left comes of it. Then they make excuses for their inefficiency and inept governing. Its would be a joke if it weren’t obviously deliberate.
Zionists deserve all the vitriol they get.
Bypasses the whole 1-2 hours of anxious waiting. Kicks in within 5-15 minutes peak hits in like 30
House because you can grow more indo in a basement than a spare bedroom
I don’t think i ever came across cross posted content where up/down voting was not allowed 🤔
Neo liberals are sabotaging themselves and everyone else by blaming voters for not getting behind tepid astro turfed right leaning centrist corporatism.
You all need to wake up and realize our presidential elections are likely just as compromised by money as the rest of our political system. There are 14 traits of fascism and both parties blatantly exhibit 13 of those traits with fraudulent elections being the only trait they can claim the corruption of is plausible deniable. All you thinking that the ideals of democracy haven’t been corrupted to the same point everything else has because of hurrrr durrrr democracy and “murican eyedeeeuhhhlissum” are living in an idealistic delusion. The system has proven it will not be remedied through its own mechanisms and that those with power have subverted those very mechanisms to prevent any meaningful change which means the only way forward is revolution.
Neo liberal western democracy vehemently opposes economic democracy and any movement to the left. This makes it completely undemocratic and an ultimate defacto class dictatorship. But cleverly disguised pr masquerading as unbiased journalism owned by wall street military and prison industry profiteering billionaires have convinced you the house isn’t actively burning when it obviously is.
Fascism was never stamped out. Wall street supported it heavily and now they fully control the us political and military machine. We came full circle. The nazi’s didnt loose the war their ideology infected those with control today. Central banks funded the third reich and those same financial institutions are still empowered and playing a part today. War and genocide / eugenics is a part of their business model.
No hut the DNC definitely is for sabotaging sanders and his supporters to ensure the neo liberal class dictatorship could continue and prevent any platform movement to the left that might vaguely resemble a new FDR presidency
The thing is said last summer that got me permabanned was “international law states that occupied indigenous populations have a right to resist occupation and fight back by any means possible” reddit has an aversion to facts as do all conservatives and their fellow neo liberal boot lickers
Wtf is “vote brigading”?
They are desperately obvious and its cringe. They were in full blast damage control censorship mode even before december 4th. I was VPN banned last summer just for saying that occupied indigenous people have a right to resist occupation by any means necessary as per international law in regards to palestine and IsNoTreal. So far ive jot been able to evade the ban even with a vpn. Wall street military and prison industry profiteers have become too confident and comfortable.
sung to the theme of power rangers Go go cobra chicken!!! 🎶 🎵
“reddit will warn users who repeatedly upvote calls for a violent revolution against the billionaire class and the fascist neo feudalist militarized police state enforced wage slavery and rent till death economics they have created to benefit their endless growth driven profits while ignoring upvotes of content that praise violence against leftists, women and other marginalized leftist aligning groups and ideologies”
There, FTFY
What we need is a revolution.
Can you even define fascism? Because i can and it exists within the democratic party as well.
Get bent is the typical neo liberal response because the typical neo liberal response is to blame the working class and people advocating for real change By challenging the tired class dictatorship they want to enforce regardless of the consequences.
So ill ask you again, who is to blame?
Those in positions of power who waste countless resources on political advertisement campaigms smearing and sabotaging candidates that are popular and did offer a real solution to fight fascism
Or the people who participate in a flawed democracy that has made it clear countless times it does jot respect the opinions or the ideologies of the working class and poor.
There are 14 main traits that define fascism. It can be simplified as the amalgamation of corporate and political power. But of the 14 traits the only one that those in power can claim plausible deniability of its existence are fraudulent elections. But its obvious that money controls our entire socio political system and those with capital will can and do whatever they can to maintain control so it is naive to believe that our votes do anything to affect the outcome of our presidential elections. In Germany they have deemed electronic voting to be unconstitutional because it is impossible yo differentiate fraudulent results from legitimate ones for people who are not cyber security / IT experts.
So its obvious our government was corrupted by money ling before trump. But neo libs keep preaching ballot box revolution/ reform is possible(this is delusional) when both parties exhibit 13 of 14 traits of fascism blatantly (93%) it isnt just naive to think out elections are sacred and still have integrity because of Hurrr Durrr Democracy! And ‘Murican Eyedeeuhlisumm! Its fucking stupidity and ridiculousness manifest.
You need to realize the time has come for you to put your big boy pants on and accept the reality. That our democracy isnt just broken, it doesn’t function and is a complete farcical fraud. The system is broken and will not allow self remediation through the processes of a broken system. We have come to the point in time where the only way to fix things is revolution. Ignoring this is stupidity manifest. Naive ballot box reform is not just impossible it is antithetical to the nature of the system that has evolved over time through the corruption of the ultra wealthy whom have been waging an obvious class war against us for the last 5-6 decades at least.
I am not saying he is never wrong. Im just saying he is one of the better representatives we have. Im very far left and i regularly describe my political ideology as saying i’m so far left I make Bernie Sanders look like Newt Geingrich. But I would have been much happier with our society if we just got finished with 2 terms of a Sanders administration as opposed to the garbage we were stuck with because of the billionaire wall street military and prison industry profiteer owned neo liberal DNC’s deliberate self sabotage. But we still have to listen to delulu neo liberal democrat party supporters falling in line and blaming voters/ ignoring the reality wven thiugh the democrats chose to move further to the right and court republicans even accepting endorsements from the Cheney and bush families. They will do anything to ignore the reality that our presidential elections are most definitely rigged by financial influence just like the rest of our political system. FDR was somewhat slightly fascist aligned but he was the best president our country has ever had. And we can see that sanders is also flawed in similar ways but sometimes we have to weigh the pros and cons. Im not saying vote for the lesser of tw evils but rather that sometimes the good ideas and policies a candidate has can outweigh the negative aspects of their record/ political platform/ideology.