Wait till you see how much money they’re getting paid (at taxpayer expense)!
Wait till you see how much money they’re getting paid (at taxpayer expense)!
I’d love to get the Sunshine mix but I’ve never seen it in any stores! Maybe it’s only a Western Canada thing.
I had it. I hated it. I wanted real function keys back. I wanted a real escape key. Much happier now to have a laptop with real keys instead of that gimmick.
The biggest problem with it is that you have to look at it to use it. When I use my laptop I don’t look down at the keyboard, I look at the big screen in front of me. The Touch Bar is basically like a touch screen in a car: it takes away tactile controls and distracts you from driving, the thing you’re supposed to be doing.
LineageOS is Android. If you use that then you’re not competing with Android, you’re joining it. The OP wants BlackBerry to provide an alternative to iOS and Android.
We’re not talking about hardware startups trying to build a minimum viable product, we’re talking about a company trying to market a product to regular consumers.
BlackBerry had a successful consumer product prior to the launch of the iPhone. Since then, the bar has been raised to the stratosphere and BlackBerry no longer comes even close. With thousands of employees they couldn’t do it.
Personally I don’t think anyone is to blame. It’s a great big ship with millions of people in a tug o war over the steering wheel. We can’t get anyone on the same page because we can’t stop shouting at each other.
No, the ram is integrated into the CPU.
They could stick to a tiny market share but not a profitable one.
The problem is you need a large team of developers for the operating system and designers and engineers for the hardware. This means thousands of employees. Do you know many phones you have to sell to pay the salaries of 2000+ employees? At least a million phones a year at a gross profit (retail price minus total cost of manufacturing) of $200 per phone.
FairPhone just makes Android phones, so they don’t have the cost of developing their own operating system. The OS is the real killer app. It’s why iOS and Android are so dominant. It requires billions of dollars in investment to be competitive.
There’s no exotic ingredients in artillery shells. The chemistry to make explosives is (relatively) simple organic chemistry, like any country capable of making fertilizer can easily achieve. The rest is just metal housing and some basic electronics (depends how sophisticated you want the fuzing to be).
What if a country decided to completely remove the gender information from their passports? The US would then have to decide whether to ban everyone from that country or allow everyone?
Everyone is doing something. Working, going to school, living their lives. Even people who have no job, who walk the streets, are doing something: surviving.
Most people’s survival instincts prevent them from taking drastic measures like this, even when things are really bad. Think of how many people who had every incentive to take a shot at Hitler but did not, despite all the horrors of the Nazi regime.
I doubt he’ll support PR. The Liberal Party benefits from FPTP more than any other party. They stand the most to lose from a PR system.