Debian literally used a de-Mozilla’ed fork called Icewesel for like a decade. It’s fine. I never noticed any differences.
Just wait or switch distros. All the security updates they hold hostage for money come eventually. If you’re not a bank or wanted by a major world power, I doubt anyone is going pwn you with a security fix Ubuntu is slow walking to force people into pro. Since they started that shit I don’t put Ubuntu on new hardware, but I’m not going to purge servers I have it on because I’m worried someone’s going to deploy a sub-month old vulnerability against me as a rando doing nothing important.
Blahaj is run by jackasses, just block the instance. Fuck them.
No instance is privacy friendly, literally all activity here is public by definition.
There is a 0% chance of that happening. Trump has clearly chosen class warfare over Bannonite populism.
Yeah, Graphene is really great
If Biden, Pelosi, Sinema and Blinken are your “left” just wait until you find out about [insert all US politics between 1932 and 1992]…