Many critical treatments and medicines are developed in the US. Congress could pass protectionist trade laws requiring that the poorest uninsured American can’t be charged a penny more than whatever artificially low negotiated costs are paid by foreign countries systems like the Canadians or the British NHS.
Its possible that other countries could retaliate with cost controls for their own domestically developed drugs but it feels like this is an area where the US can and should have leverage.
I agree with your suggestions
He’s been doing the opposite so far. This propoganda site won’t mention that though
If you feel it’s propoganda, feel free not to read it. thx
Has nothing to do with my feelings. That rag is well known for spreading lies. It’s weird that you get mad that your little fantasies get called out for what they are.
You’re over here all : “Lie to me more daddy”.
It’s weird that you get mad that your little fantasies get called out for what they are.
I’m not mad at all. You do realize that I didn’t write the article, right?
Well the majority fo voter disagreed with you and now he’s our president. How’s that feel?
Hey how did calling is supporters “pathetic” work out for you in the election?
I fucking laughed and laughed and laughed on election day. How’d you do?
Why is “I didn’t write it” the go to excuse for you right wing propaganda posters? You chose to share a bunch of lies. Not writing it is worse, for you, anyway. Just means you’re the mark.
You keep acting like you won’t someone just because you believe the lies you were told. They’re going to fuck you over just as much as the rest of us. They’re not on your side.
It’s the same fucking guy posting on multiple accounts. This all points back to UniversalMonk who was banned for this exact same shit.
But if that were true, then banning UM didn’t really work, did it? And UM is still around and he/she posts plenty and they have their own instance. So you didn’t get rid of him/her anyway regardless of usernames.
Universal Monk isn’t the only anti-democrat poster who posts to Lemmy. And besides, they didn’t like Trump
I am one of those who does like Trump.
You chose to share a bunch of lies. Not writing it is worse, for you, anyway. Just means you’re the mark.
Oh, did someone make you read it? You had no option to just not read it?!
They’re going to fuck you over just as much as the rest of us.
How so?
Hi Universalmonk
is there something somewhere that says that OP is universal monk?
There is a 0% chance of that happening. Trump has clearly chosen class warfare over Bannonite populism.
Trump has clearly chosen class warfare
Says Lemmy. The average Lemmy user makes way more than the average American, and you all talk about class warfare?! lololololol
How’d that work out for ya in the election?
The average Lemmy user makes way more than the average American, and you all talk about class warfare?! lololololol
Would you source that for me? I honestly don’t know. Bannon has plenty of money, though.
You don’t think a bunch of fucking tech nerds who overwhelmingly work in the tech industry make more than the average American?!
I’m not a tech nerd. We’ve had a lot of redditors join and they weren’t either. They left reddit because of the technocrats.
So you don’t think the majority of Lemmy are tech people?! Come on, man. I get that you don’t like Trump. I get that you hate Trump news.
But brah, be real. You don’t have to disagree with everything I say just because I posted an article about Trump.
I don’t hate Trump. I dislike his policies. Maybe it is mostly tech nerds. Maybe it isn’t. I pointed to at least two very large influxes of users. I’m not putting words in your mouth. I would appreciate it if you didn’t do that to me.
Maybe it isn’t.
Go look around, then come back and tell me what you think. lol
Shouldn’t it be Governor Trump? Musk is in charge after all
I like them both, so I’m fine either way!
Can you tell me why, please? I imagine we’re on the same side, but see causes and solutions differently. I could be wrong. I just want everything good for everyone and think the United States has enough for everyone to enjoy a basic standard of living.
I like their attitudes. Also I don’t take politics seriously and the reality is Dems and Republicans are the exact same thing. Both suck. One is more fun to watch than the other.
So, is he going to free Luigi? He’ll cut the middlemen.
Luigi is a low-life criminal who will spend the rest of his life in prison. Deservedly so.
Breitbart is a nazi rag
It does lack credibility. I read it anyway.
I read it anyway.
So that’s all on you. Can’t blame me.
I didn’t cast blame. I read it to see if there were viable points. There was one. I understand your defensiveness, and want to work together to make a better nation. That requires honest and self-reflective dialogue.
I understand your defensiveness
I’m not defensive. I didn’t write the article. I merely posted a link to it. Up to you if you read it or not. Not my problem.