At the time I had no pc in my house, I could only use it at my grandparents house. They got AOL, and like a week after getting it he checked his email and it was a porn spam with a big image of 2 lesbians using a double sided dildo and he called that day and canceled AOL and he switched to a smaller local isp(back when those existed). I still cackle at that, with how ubiquitous emails like that are.
I vividly remember as a young teen watching a completely free Webcam feed from Amsterdam of unpaid amateur people who liked to be watched have sex(on dialup) with a little watching counter in the corner. It was literally front page, didn’t even have to goto a page and click a hotlink. Or how Whitehouse.com was a porn site and kids would regularly go there by accident in the school computer lab doing projects.
I never used TOR until like 2004 and by then I was in my 20s. In 2007 I came this close to buying $40 in bitcoin to use on silk road when they were less than a penny. I could be a millionaire right now if my ex hadn’t talked me out of it.