very excited for the US to get sidelined.
it’s needed a wake-up call for a while
very excited for the US to get sidelined.
it’s needed a wake-up call for a while
“I’m literally so confused”
you literally are.
“That Pew poll regarding scientific distrust is specifically related to the Covid pandemic”
“but you’re taking about measles”
incorrect! as I’ve stated multiple times and in every comment, I’m talking about the US-specific rapidly declining mistrust in science, leading to tragedies like the resurrection of the measles.
again, for your benefit, the key phrase here is “the specifically rapidly declining mistrust in science”.
“why are the sociological elements I’ve mentioned before not value added…”
because you are not contributing information that is necessary or requested.
you began with platitudes, moved on to inconsequential tangents, offered unprovable negative hypotheticals with a through line that scientific mistrust has not been increasing in the last decade, which Is objectively wrong according to statistical analysis, including the poll I supplied to you with and every other poll you can look up on scientific mistrust in the last decade.
If someone had asked, “were vaccines historically maligned?”, one of your tangents would have been relevant.
but no one asked you any of that, and you persisted in misinterpreting the meme and then continuing to misinterpret my statement as some sort of request for you to share misguided theories and misinformation, which i do not appreciate.
“…this over a simple comment about the Human Genome Project”
Yes, since you would not take me at my word initially and quadrupled down on your misinformation, i have had to repeat multiple times that your valueless comments are not appreciated and should not have been made.
again, your adding a valueless comment about a hypothetical unproven concern is not helpful, you’re just wasting space.
here is an example of a value-added comment that supports my four comments and disproves all of your comments:
One of the polls I mentioned in the last comment showing a specifically recent drop in US trust and scientific authority and institutions:
instead of making things up in your head, you could have easily checked the information I gave you from the real world and found that you were incorrect and I was giving you valuable information.
so, yeah. ya got slammed. again.
“There was never any “science appreciation” among the general public”
you are demonstrably incorrect and your confident ignorance is insulting and harmful in general.
but here I am, being the guardrail to your misinformation again:
less than a decade ago, measles was eradicated from the US.
since then, vaccinations and science in general have been maligned and you can see in national polls that scientific authority is less respected than it was a decade ago to the point that measles has been brought back and is now killing children again.
because in less than a decade, science appreciation has turned into scientific derision.
you are completely wrong here, and you are not helping anything by spreading misinformation and flaunting your ignorance of the matter.
“…comments like your reply might contribute to the science derision though, just saying.”
of course you are “just saying”, that is the problem with your comments: they add no value…
value-added comments are what is needed.
If your comments do not add value, as your three have not in this thread, then they are value-less and should be withheld.
you are adrift.
unfortunately, your new comment is a further pedantic and unnecessary expansion of both what the meme and my comment succinctly stated; you are apparently still missing the point of memes in general, this meme in particular and my comment: the specifically rapid public shift from science appreciation to scientific derision.
I’m happy you’re finally learning about this, but please make it clear that you have discovered something new for yourself and the reason you are publicly sharing this common knowledge, rather than pretending I asked for you to make a perfectly enjoyable, understandable meme 40 times longer and less clear.
I really liked it. and it doesn’t hurt that it’s only about 80 minutes long, but there was a lot of good animation and fun storytelling, and I was laughing out loud at Martin Short.
more than any specific project the meme may be referencing, it’s pointing out the difference between scientific acceptance and derision, which has changed more drastically in the last 10 years than in the last 20.
I just watched treasure planet like 3 days ago, so…cool.
in less than a decade
so that should be at least 10 kids inflicted with lifelong permanent physical disabilities, and many more with permanently or “temporarily” compromised immune system that last for years from a deliberately resurrected disease their parents have given them.
☜ (↼_↼)
that must be terrifying.
One of those people who don’t put up with your garbage?
Yes, I’m one of those.
there’s no pivot here, I’m directly addressing your specific problem with the availability of free and critical services, which are separate from the option to donate to the organization offering free and critical services if you are willing and able.
this thread is about a petition influencing Congressional action to impeach Donald Trump, a critical and free service that you can participate in.
libraries similarly offer a critical and free service that you can participate in.
neither of them require your money, but both of them accept donations.
you are arguing that nobody should participate in political action, and by extension borrow books from libraries, because those organizations accept donations.
that is weird.
you seem to be angry at libraries for offering a free, positive and critical social service that you don’t have to pay for, while also accepting donations if you have the ability and inclination.
that is a weird focus.
you can be part of important political action here without paying the committee that is going through the trouble of organizing and campaigning this political action.
The political action itself is free for you to participate in, while political organizations in general, a separate issue, accept donations if you have the money and inclination.
All political campaigns have costs and pay their employees.
you are under no obligation to pay in order to sign a petition and take political action against an absolutely terrible person.
“If ActBlue did anything worthwhile at all with the money they are donated, then we wouldn’t be here responding in this thread right now, right?”
absolutely incorrect, foundationally and fundamentally.
you are arguing that the Allies shouldn’t resist the axis because if the Allies are worth anything than the axis would never have come to power, which is not correct. of course they should fight an authoritarian regime executing civilians and trying to take over Europe.
ha, I came here to shout them out, nice!