Rear Window
Wait until dark
Rear Window
Wait until dark
US coins too. Big, small, thick, thin, smooth, knurled.
Weed is better for forgetting. Alcohol is better for not caring.
Knowing is half the battle.
“1 in 15” implies that you can ask 15 people and find one. Most Americans know more than 15 people and don’t know anyone who has witnessed a mass shooting. A small percentage know a lot of people who have.
Thousands of people enter the US every day for work, family, commerce, etc., most without incident.
Oh man…i don’t know… And there’s no one left to ask. That’s sad.
I do know that she caught him in his car with another woman once when they were dating and she took off her heel and used it to break out his lights. He was a fun guy but not a great husband. She was kind of a badass.
This is a misleading headline. Obviously a mass shooting involves a mass of people so this is pretty localized, much higher in areas around those shootings but much lower in the rest of the country. It makes people in other countries think they will step off the plane into a shootout.
Meddling kids!
You don’t have to assume the worst and jump to the most hateful conclusion.
A lot of people in my age group are getting boosters because there was a period (maybe 1967-71 or something like that) when some people got one instead of two shots and there were two different vaccines used, one that was more effective than the other.
When we come home from the beach we go through an immigration checkpoint. My friend always says, “OK everyone. Try to look white.”
We do tomatoes, tons of peppers, and blackberries. Baby avocado and lime trees aren’t fruiting yet. Someone ate our cucumber plants as soon as they sprouted.
She looks nice. I hope she finds a way to kick some ass.
Kinda wish i had chosen zooeyzephyr as my lemmy name.
I had a school kid who only knew how to get home by following the bus route. Maybe it’s like that.
Did Trump write this?
He’s very cute, but he’s also so young. Can anyone find a pic of his dad?
This makes me wonder what’s more offensive, the words or the idea? A poopy vagina is much more upsetting than a shit-filled cunt.