People are still fucking saying that? I thought after literal Nazi salutes they’d finally realize we were right all along
People are still fucking saying that? I thought after literal Nazi salutes they’d finally realize we were right all along
“Hitler was just a poor misunderstood guy, give him a chance, don’t make a big deal out of this Poland”
Reddit let trumps subreddit stay up for years, not to mention all the other vile and bigoted places
I do not put much faith in that reddit actually cares about homophobia
And calls for violence has always been selective. Has reddit ever banned anyone for supporting a state to kill people? For example, supporting death penalty, supporting cops shooting people, supporting Ukraine/Russia to kill Russians/Ukrainians, or supporting Israel killing Palestinians?
The whole subject of “calls for violence” has always been biased, because we see state actors being violent as justifiable, but non-state actors as not, so it’s not right to say they don’t support calls for violence, they only don’t support selective ones that they are not entirely clear about. They don’t support the people
Densely populated isn’t a problem for everyone (I like dense), and the pollution isn’t as bad as it used to be, right?
The authoritarian part is a major major issue of course, but my layperson perceptions of the material conditions of China is that it’s not nearly as bad as it used to be, and is getting better
And another upside, good public transit
I don’t even understand what people buy so often. I can easily go a month without buying a new physical item that’s not like, food
Maybe it would help the world course correct away from neoliberalism and the growing (and present/ threat of fascism. It’s clear that neoliberalism has failed, and we’re now seeing the consequences of it
Though, in practice it’s probably more likely something else weird will happen, and wealth inequality and capitalism will stay
Although, I do wonder if, if a big great-depression-era-like crash happens, we would ever be able to get out of it again, in terms of growth. We’re already seeing the immense and pervasive amount of squeeze in the form of universal enshittification, and we might be hitting towards the limits of growth, at least without radically overhauling our societies and economic system. Maybe the contradictions in capitalism are getting too strong
Oh I fully get you, and it is a problem, but at least enough of the people I know consider discord’s behaviour problematic already that it would be possible to get things rolling with migrating smaller communities and friends
The big communities though? Yeah no. There’s a reason Facebook is still used, it’s used a lot for organizing things
If they were on the position to produce it, they would have. I highly doubt they chose to not make high end cards “just because”, especially because that’s where the profit margins would be the highest
I think that you’re simply expecting a bit too much, and a little too far ahead in terms of your requirements. 4K RT 120fps is something that’s just barely starting to get achievable at the absolute highest end, and even then not without compromises
Don’t worry, once it goes public it will get worse and easier to replace
What do you want the geneticists to do? They are educated in their domain, you can’t just plop them into another field
The applications of their work is likely plenty in medicine and bioengineering
I can’t speak for all the officials there, but many of them very much have been directly elected
The Norwegian one for example is the prime minister
“the nobles that were killed under the French revolution weren’t bad people! They just kept sending people to death in pointless wars and kept mistreating them because they were disconnected! Have som sympathy for the rich assholes!”
You might think so, and yet it’s something that has actually been proven right time and time again for me. It’s what people call “gut instinct”. It has kept me safe, and the times when I’ve ignored it because of “oh it’s probably a false alarm” I’ve come to regret later on
It sounds like woo-woo maybe, but why? You don’t think that it’s possible to tell if, say, someone doesn’t actually care about others? If they, say, only see them as tools to be used? If you had a trump-like figure put in front of you for 5 minutes, how much would you be able to figure out in that 5 minutes? Quite a lot I’d say
So why is it unreasonable to think that you can’t tell?
I don’t know how you got “discriminating against people based on mental disorder” from “realizing they are not a safe person”
Those are not the same things at all.
I have also the same experience as the other commenter, and I tend to get along well with people with mental health issues that are actually safe
You can still eat junk food and not go up in weight as long as you don’t overeat
Just that it may be radioactive dust this time
And that’s the big thing that worries me. In the last world war, even in an all-out war with no holding back, there was a limited amount of damage that could be done to the world and civilization. Today? We have enough nukes to destroy human civilization a dozen times over.
Always been told that one-dimensional characters are boring and unrealistic
…and yet here we are