If an economic crash takes the wind out of his would-be dictator sails, it may be a good thing in the long run.
Yay! Something to look forward to!
Maybe it would help the world course correct away from neoliberalism and the growing (and present/ threat of fascism. It’s clear that neoliberalism has failed, and we’re now seeing the consequences of it
Though, in practice it’s probably more likely something else weird will happen, and wealth inequality and capitalism will stay
Although, I do wonder if, if a big great-depression-era-like crash happens, we would ever be able to get out of it again, in terms of growth. We’re already seeing the immense and pervasive amount of squeeze in the form of universal enshittification, and we might be hitting towards the limits of growth, at least without radically overhauling our societies and economic system. Maybe the contradictions in capitalism are getting too strong
Only the 7th? I could’ve sworn there were more than that.
Maybe we can buy states for cheap if that happens.
Shouldn’t we also count his moral bankruptcies?
No one can count that high
It’s easier to count his good deeds. 0.
And biggest, don’t forget that!
Seems like he had total control of previous businesses.
He legitimately controls only one branch of government in this case.
Hopefully when the other two see the problem they will still have the ability left to act.
That “Hopefully” is sure doing some heavy lifting in that sentence.
As an outsider it doesn’t seem like anyone’s seriously trying to stop him.
Yes, hopefully.