Yeah, these religious nuts want to complain about murder, maybe they should look to cleaning up their own house first.
Yeah, these religious nuts want to complain about murder, maybe they should look to cleaning up their own house first.
Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first.
-Charles de Gaulle
Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but I seem to recall God giving lots of authority to kill other people—even babies. It’s just you’re not supposed to kill your fellow Jews.
Should have followed the French example instead.
‘Step on me harder daddy!’
Across Dimming Asterisms. My brain seems to have developed an addiction to it.
Although anyone who works in an ER will tell you the full moon is the busiest night; the occurrence rate of every issue but murder goes up.
Ah, yet more whining from the ‘he’s not hurting who he’s supposed to be hurting!’ crowd.
That tardigrade with the tiny violin is all booked out thanks to this nonsense, or I’d hire him for this comment.
Wow, a morality problem and an empathy problem, to their own kid no less. I’m sorry you’re dealing with that, and lessening contact (or cutting it) would be a perfectly understandable action.
‘I’m sorry you feel that way.’ He’s sorry you think people should have equal rights?
Your dad doesn’t have a political problem, he has a morality problem.
So German-style name creation. Neat!