Tell him to pound sand. Let’s get this divorce over with so the world can move on without the US.
Tell him to pound sand. Let’s get this divorce over with so the world can move on without the US.
They were too far right. They pursued the “moderate republican” vote and lost spectacularly.
It is a politically suicidal idea. But they just can’t stop themselves. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory is what they do best.
Zoning laws in a lot of places.
It’s been the “End Times” for the last 2000 years. They were full of shit then and they’re full of shit now.
Their whole death cult is predicated on the world ending in a violent fiery ocean of blood so that they, the only good people who won’t be damned to a burning torturous eternal punishment, will ascend to a paradise of everlasting Jonestown. It’s sheer insanity. Malicious, cruel, psychopathic insanity.
The earth is an island on a turtles back.
Yes. Teach a new generation how to operate around such lunacy.
TSA is part of the whole post 9/11 patriot act authoritarian push. It needs to end. It was a pointless unnecessary overreaction then, and it remains so.
TSA are cops. And cops aren’t workers. They’re class traitors. The enforcement arm of capital.
🎶 I never thought, the leopards would eat my face 🎶
Nobody tell him that in Communist China you pay a small land tax once every 70 years or so.
Actually someone do tell him. I bet that little factoid will flip his entire worldview on its head.
This is clearly the stupidest way a type 0 civilization has ever Kessler Syndromed themselves.
And they’d be right. But not for any of the reasons they think. Or motives they think. Or outcomes they think.
Our media is … what is State Media but controlled by oligarchy instead of government? Does that word exist? It definitely exists in German. But im not sure about English.
Race was invented by Europeans to divide the working class against itself.
That worked so well that every capitalist country has gone out of their way to reinforce it ever since.
I like to think i was a pretty sharp kid. I had it figured out at the ripe old age of 11 that if you could freely swap blood and organs between different races of people then there wasn’t enough difference between them to bother mentioning.
Trump only ran to stay out of prison. Now he’s ripping the copper out of the walls to get as much money as he can before it all collapses under his ineptitude.
Elon thinks he’s gonna be a trillionaire at the top of a technofeudal oligarchy. (He wants to be Arasaka from Cyberpunk but he’s gonna have a hard time doing that while all his businesses fail.)
Nobody does class consciousness better than old money.
They know what’s good for them and have no qualms about fucking over millions of people to make it happen.
And thats why we’re cooked folks.
Pretty much.
Just plug my old ass into the matrix. If I live to see 80 we’ll probably have some kind of full dive VR by that point. Or at least something approaching it.
If it wasn’t exclusively used for evil it would be a wonderful thing.
Unfortunately we also have capitalism. So everything has to be just the worst all the time so that the worst people alive can have more toys.