Black Arch or Suicide Linux
Black Arch or Suicide Linux
How in the fuck has the agency failed this fucking badly?
They’re just doing that for fun, right?
So the hate in Nazi music resonates with you?
“I don’t like Adolf, but he says some pretty great things”
-OP, basically
I wonder what will happen to all the US military bases scattered throughout Europe.
This is an insult to pandas.
Haha, nerds, sharing their intelligence
meanwhile, USA is smoking meth in the bathroom
Now it’s four eyes
Thanks Mike
The original post says “Old soviet joke for our times”
Oh wow, are you a historian?
That obituary will definitely be Putin the front page
Damn, REI sucks now
Mmmm. Steak.
OP how the fuck could you forget these
Not disappointed at all.
You have to pick one n64 game. Go.
Do not disappoint me.
find <dir> -iname partialfilename\*
Is pretty much the “find-native” way to do the same thing