Great, now I can’t unsee the close duck.
Yes, but this one has LAVA LAMPS
Tuesday, actually. Really.
Real fuck, toy car
That ultimately, no matter how many people I surround myself with, I will always feel alone.
Useful website!
Perhaps they’re culling the herd (of people)
Safety, schmafety.
I refer you to the comment that said I’m doing it wrong
I think I stripped it out
I kinda had a feeling it was going to come out that way 😂
I’m pretty sure these are all fake. Feel free to try them if you like, but I don’t think they’re real. A waste of your time though, I’m sure.
They’re probably just good for signing up for accounts on dicey web pages, things like that. Bother the dicey web page people with a bunch of fake email addresses.
It’ll be funny.
Dutch public television ain’t fooling around.
Sorry, cool. But kid cool, so it can stay.
Ah, I guess I misinterested. I thought you were talking about that weird tradition I’ve seen where people catch giant catfish by shoving their arms down the mouth. Apparently that’s called “noodling”.
And looking up noodling most people wear gloves. They get a pretty bad wrist rash from the catfish biting them.
I wouldn’t be surprised if some people raise their eyebrows after sneaking a glance at your shoes.
Do you have big hands as well?
Ah, I see. But is that ALL it is?