Do I need to be able to read braile to get the joke?
Do I need to be able to read braile to get the joke?
Delete the first word of that post. Your post now starts with “One”, and from there you change nothing.
NOW your post is accurate.
The guy who served 5 terms, started the cold war, and became the basis for why we needed the 2 term limit?
Who among the US presidents has been better since Rosevelt?
Carter is the ONLY one who comes close.
Didn’t even read the body of the post, only the headline.
Yes. It’s a bad idea.
American here. Ukraine has a better world leader than America has had in over a century.
Mayonaise could be white.
Imagine if the Goldeneye rerelease happened now.
You’d have a game on the ps5, that requires PS+ to play online, but also needs a Nintendo Online account, AND a Microsoft account (since MS owns Rare).
The future is dumb.
The future is dumb.
It saddens me that this is either meant to remind people of the way things were, or it teaches them a world they never knew.
1995 me would have been excited to see what crazy stuff is on the 2025 internet. 2025 me realizes it’s just a digital version of a carnival scam. Hot singles in your area is just the ring toss game. Give them your money, and then you lose.
The 90s were just factually a better time. Biggest controversy about our president at that time was that our president got blowjobs.
Complete with gif of a construction sign thats animated for some reason.
Anyone want to clue him in on who runs .ml? I feel like it’s going to break his heart. But also, I kinda feel like he should know…
I’m sorry, I can’t hear what you’re saying, over the sound of putin’s dick in your mouth!
All he does is spew bullshit, but the insane thing is, the majority of the country fall for it.
I still buy them, but I prefer when it’s a dvd/blueray/3D (if available) combo pack.
Plot twist. It was 1 zippo lighter, but it was a comically large one. It just weighs 20 lbs.
Shhhhh, don’t give them ideas!
What? Really? I would have thought dvd pirates would have far worse conditions than pedophiles.
You don’t know the names of the TWO games you owned on the CD-i? How hard could it possibly be to research that? All you gotta do is find the wikipedia entry of the CD-i list of games. How many could there POSSIBLY be? 20? Just check one by one the screen shots from each game until you’re like “Oh that’s the one!”
I should start selling pillows. Not comfortable pillows. Just a brand of pillows to scream into when life hands you no other options for releasing your frustration.
looks around
…why’s he talking about my phone?