“The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Isn’t always true. Just because a country/political faction opposes US hegemony doesn’t automatically make them morally superior.
Always eat your greens!
“The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Isn’t always true. Just because a country/political faction opposes US hegemony doesn’t automatically make them morally superior.
I currently get paid in the bottom 15-20% for my role + experience in my region.
I received a “raise” (effective pay cut) a few weeks ago that was lower than the base inflation rate, dispite all the work I had done for the company and my great reputation with my prior manager and the employees there. (My company got bought out by a shitty competitor last year, the new management and policies suck)
So guess what? They are getting bottom 15% quality work, which is hardly anything. If they want to bring me up anywhere near the average wage in my area, I’ll start performing like it, but until then, I’m having fun bringing my personal laptop into work, playing RuneScape, watching YouTube, working on a side business, getting coffee constantly, and just roaming around “checking in with users.” Oh yeah, taking 1.5 hour lunches is fun too. 😈
Instead if 40 days, let’s try 40 months.
Oh wow sounds great, can I get in line now to not use it?
Linux Mint OS, QBitTorrent for the client, Proton VPN for the VPN with qBitTorrent bound to only that interface and port to ensure no IP leaks.
Works Awesome.
As somebody who works in IT at a Windows-only environment, I know exactly what you mean.
I have to fight with Windows on a weekly basis. Driver issues, firmware issues, software crashes/lockups, performance issues, etc etc.
Just this week, I have two users experiencing issues with their monitors. Identical enterprise grade laptops, identical drivers, identical docking stations, all totally up to date on Windows 11. Their old Windows 10 computers worked fine. Still trying to figure out what’s wrong.
I really hope Brother is telling the truth!
In general, if it isn’t open source in every sense of the term, GPL license, all weights and parts of the model, and all the training data and training methods, it’s a non-starter for me.
I’m not even interested in talking about AI integration unless it passes those initial requirements.
Scraping millions of people’s data and content without their knowledge or consent is morally dubious already.
Taking that data and using it to train proprietary models with secret methodologies, locking it behind a pay wall, then forcing it back onto consumers regardless of what they want in order to artificially boost their stock price and make a handful of people disgustingly wealthy is downright demonic.
Especially because it does almost nothing to enrich our lives. In its current form, it is an anti-human technology.
Now all that being said, if you want to run it totally on your own hardware, to play with and help you with your own tasks, that’s your choice. Using in a way that you have total sovereignty over is good.
Kobo e-readers are known to be pretty hackable and many of their models can be used with ‘KoReader’ an open source e-reading OS/app
Oh yeah of course, the US is an imperialist, neocolonialist power that does a tremendous amount of harm in the world.
I’m an anarchist, so you won’t find me singing the praises of any state power, for sure not the US. They do what all states do, consolidate centralized power and dominate as many people as they can.
My point was that some folks act like anything that opposes the interests of the US is automatically good, and that’s not true, ISIS opposes the US, but they’re a pretty fucked up group of religious extremists, same with the Westboro Baptist Church hate group, who also oppose the US strongly, but are total scumbags.