Bidet gang all day
Bidet gang all day
Have you confirmed that no website you provide ad revenue or membership fees to used AWS? If you haven’t checked, then you probably have supported Amazon. Amazon makes most of their money through AWS.
Regardless, good on you for not buying from Amazon directly. I too haven’t purchased from them for years
Honestly, I’ve been hearing this a lot of reddit and it feels like Russian disinformation to get liberals/Democrats to throw their own stupid Jan 6.
Post some reliable evidence, and an actual reason why Democrats aren’t talking about this reliable information and I may be convinced. Democrats and Kamala would be the people to champion this information if it were valid since they lost power due to the “cheating”. The fact that they haven’t said anything tells me it’s probably not real.
Impeachment doesn’t require the DOJ. We would Just need the house to send the articles of impeachment to the Senate. Regardless the house is mainly controlled by Rs so I doubt they would impeach, and the Senate is also Republican controlled meaning Trump wouldn’t even be removed if he was impeached
Saying we can do better than trump/fascism is not what the OP is implying. The op is implying what were are doing now is the same as what we have done before. We can acknowledge that we’ve done bad before, but now it’s for sure way worse. I agree with Bernie that now is way worse than before
Idk, that would make sense except that desantis had been talking them down as well. If desantis were more neutral about the situation I would be more inclined to believe your theory.
Are you literally implying Trump and Biden are handling the presidency the exact same way? That the Dems have been passing similar laws to the Republicans? If so, you’re either ingorant, or a shill.
I don’t get how this relates to my post… Could you reword your comment
How did he “demand a second term in the last minute”? The assumption is a president will run for re election.
For real. The issues occurring in the US are various, but the vast spreading of disinformation in the US is crippling. Don’t let unchecked lobbying (aka bribing of politicians) occur in your country, don’t let “news organizations” spread false realities.
I’m legitimately confused as to what will happen here. Seemingly, Trump is the one that got them out of Romania, yet Trump’s allies are attacking them. You would expect Trump to ensure his team is consistent with whether this are “bad people” or not.
I’m hoping they still get tried for any crimes they committed.
I feel you’re also ignoring the huge amount of free publicity that Trump go from TikTok, Instagram and X. Kamala, or any D, would not have gotten that extra power.
I mean he was asked to step down because of the worry that his mental faculties, not due to his policies. Remember, it was right after his first debate with Trump. The following debate, Kamala roasted Trump.
Stepping down was mainly due to his debate performance, not the genocide. Why do I believe that? A shit ton of people still voted for Kamala. It wasn’t enough for her to win, and it was less than Biden s votes last election, but a majority of Biden voters from his election still voted for Kamala.
Originally we aren’t talking about why he lost ( i do agree, perhaps incorrectly, that Kamala lost enough support because of her position on Gaza). Originally we were talking about why he was forced to step down, which again was due to his debate performance.