I mean, this doesn’t really change anything from a practical perspective. It just highlights that the verbage in the press release was alarmist.
It’s still a security concern that most users will be unaware of.
I mean, this doesn’t really change anything from a practical perspective. It just highlights that the verbage in the press release was alarmist.
It’s still a security concern that most users will be unaware of.
Things get a little nebulous when you’re talking about microcode running on a proprietary IC.
No, you don’t understand. He’s rich and white, so he shouldn’t be subject to those pesky regulations.
That’s how it works in the US, so obviously that’s how it should work in South Africa too.
When do we start needing active coolers for our drives?
You can get spinning rust all the way up to 32 TB in a single 3.5" disk and 8 TB in an NVMe drive. The tech is out there, but it takes time for the price of stuff like that to come down when there isnt much demand for it.
“Nobody knew that international relations could be so complicated”
That’s cause the male version is DUUUDE!
People are complicated and can carry multiple, nuanced beliefs. There are people out there that support LGBTQ+ rights, think that drag is fun, and believe that people of color get treated unfairly systemically without also wanting to take up arms in a violent revolution against the established systems in America because social progress is still happening, albeit slowly.
Every social media platform(Yes, even the independent ones) tends to remove all nuance and push every issue as binary, and sometimes worse than that, it will bundle issues together. There are people here that will argue in all seriousness that if you voted for the candidate that would’ve pushed forward progressive policies, that you also support the genocide in Gaza.
You ever wonder how the right seems to move in lockstep while the left constantly debates between themselves about the details?
It’s shit like this that fosters that attitude. If some people on the right can look at something like this and then really examine their positions then thats a win.
The goal with something like this isn’t to get someone to 180 on their beliefs, they know that the government is untrustworthy. It’s to have them really look at what they’re supporting, and if they truly want those changes, after learning what it might cost them.
This is absolutely normal when you first buy the place. I bought my place in 2017 and was super anxious over the first year because I suddenly had basically no savings and all my equity was in this building. I didn’t know anything about home repair and couldn’t afford to hire someone who did.
The thought of something going wrong enough that it would ruin the place gave me an anxiety attack more than once.
Then, after a couple years and a few things needing fixed, I realized that things don’t go wrong that often and most of the time if they do, they are easy to fix.