Love Endtroducing definitely one of my favourites. Its so different to what I normally listen to buy it always remains an album i keep going back to.
Love Endtroducing definitely one of my favourites. Its so different to what I normally listen to buy it always remains an album i keep going back to.
ive been using linux for about 4 years now and I still have no idea where the things are kept. Im getting the feel for it slowly like everything flatpak is in a hidden folder .var my solution is to just make a simlink to folders I want to vist and put them in my home folder.
Yeah that tracks with his election catch phrase “to big to rig”
Outright ban is not good. They need to give people an off ramp. Move officials to other platforms. Promote those accounts. Release news first on mastodon or bluesky and part article writers to use that screenshot over the x post.
On chans a lot of people aspire to live a neet life (not in education employment or trainin) and thus there is a dynamic where “based neet chads” look down on and mock the wagies that are forced to work.
Its a safe bet anyone using the term unironically is likely a complete goblin with no life.
Friendship ended with drive through liquor stores now train station liquor store is my new best friend.
99% time spent browsing 1% time spent watching video
If I get sent back I’m bring this person
I believe there is a supply shortage of one of the core ingredients required to make them and a major supplier supplies Russia over the west. *I might be talking out of my ass since this is just something I recall hearing a while ago.
Can America anti air 5th gen fighters? I thought their radar signals were so tiny and they could outrun/out maneuver most surface to air missiles.
There are stupid comments everywhere but the reddit user is a unique type of user that is infamous all across the internet.
oh the times ive seen people at my work try an sell soemthing to an angry customer. It always fails and results in the customer being pissed off and insulted. It should be obvious that if someone is paying you to solve a problem and your software is not working and causing them to complain they are not in the mood to buy another thing to solve the problem they are already paying you to solve.
Windows is so annoying like why does it always display word, excel etc when I don’t own it. These are paid programs that I do not own they should not be coming up in search results when I’m looking for a word processor.
I really forgot how stupid some reddit comments are. I do not miss that site.
EU out numbers Russia is most areas expect artillery and production. But I think the sheer difference in air capability will nullify that.
If you mix video games and diy projects it can be satisfying and fulfilling for years.
For me the social aspect is the hardest because i don’t make friends online and am bad at keeping in regular contact with my real life friends.
Farmers are never happy. They are miserable bastards.
Beautiful, the photo doesnt even look like it was taken on this planet.