What’s the att/def on your Nicole? I’ll trade you mine - just pulled a disappearing Nicole. No idea what the att is, but given that it disappeared from my deck, I must imagine the def is wicked high
What’s the att/def on your Nicole? I’ll trade you mine - just pulled a disappearing Nicole. No idea what the att is, but given that it disappeared from my deck, I must imagine the def is wicked high
The only active mod got permabanned due to Reddit’s rule changes.
I don’t expect the sub will stay closed forever, though. Reddit almost certainly will install a new mod to lead the subreddit. No, if you want to truly kill a subreddit, you’ll have to destroy the subreddit’s reputation beyond what can be salvaged with a mod change
Change isn’t necessarily impossible, but it’s really difficult and requires a huge amount of self discipline - if someone changes, they will be a standout exception rather then the norm. I urge you to consider that someone who ghosts you likely does not value you enough to be willing or able to put in the effort to change. Ghosting is deeply rude to do to anyone, and especially toward your significant other.
Take my interpretation with a mountain of salt, because I don’t know the full story. But, from what you said, it seems more likely that he reached out to you because you were a convenient backup
Better late than never, I suppose?
Your body is made of proteins. In the broadest sense, there are structural proteins and proteins that make important things. Some of the proteins that make things (called enzymes) require additional special molecules in order to function properly. These special molecules are called vitamins. Our bodies can make several vitamins but can’t make several other ones. The ones we can’t make has to be eaten, otherwise the enzyme won’t be able to function properly, and depending on what the enzyme does, you’ll either get sick or die or both. Vitamin C has to be eaten. Vitamin D, our bodies can produce. But the process to make it requires sunlight in order to function.
TL;DR: our bodies have evolved to force you to touch grass
I don’t personally think Anon knew exactly what he was trying to prove (otherwise he would have published the proof already), but it is definitely true that the problem was posted on a forum that specifically catered to people with the kinds of skillsets that would be capable of solving these problems. Most likely Anon probably just saw this as a simple math challenge without any deeper meaning
Pretty sure lunar effect is a real, scientifically confirmed thing, just known by a different name. Perhaps not the full moon specifically, but we do oscillate according to the moon phase. It’s called circalunar cycles. The name might sound familiar to circadian cycles because they both derive from the same word structure, ie circa-dia (“around a day”) and circa-lunar (“around a month”)
At minimum, I’m quite surprised that Wikipedia lists this as a pseudoscience, because my impression has generally been that circadian researchers acknowledge circalunar cycles as a given
These bacteria are soil bacteria, so they’re already in the environment. It seems like they produce biocement in small quantities and under specific conditions, so the real innovation here seems to be packaging them in a “just add water”-style container.
As for the worst that could happen? I suppose misuse of the packaged bacteria might cause the bacteria to leech into the soil and throw off the balance of the soil microbes in the area, which may or may not lead to poor soil quality
He’s a troll. He’s been making posts like these and then calling everyone who responds as autistic.
Does me having autism increase your chances of finding a significant other?
Not really, no. Love and attraction are different things. You don’t need to be attracted to someone you love.
Unless you find your partner unattractive, I don’t see how sex could meaningfully change
People are good at picking up social cues. That’s probably what you’re referring to. Humans are social creatures, after all. Also, people are trash at picking up social cues, so you’re probably also missing a lot of cues.
That sounds like a really bad idea. Your sense of how common those relationships issues occur is warped. People don’t generally go into relationships trying to exploit someone. You’re going to cause issues (moral, logistical, and practical) with your plan, all because of a concern that’s not likely to happen.
That’s the vast majority of humans. We are a monogamous species, after all. When you see “alpha males” on the internet, just be aware that they’re grifters that want your money. And the best way to make sure you keep giving them money is to make sure that you stay single and unhappy.
Can’t help you there. I can at least tell you that enacting your plan in question 4 is going to lower your chances of finding a wife to 0.
Antimeme, not BHJ. BHJ involves reinterpreting a meme into something that is not relevant to either the intended meme format or the source material. Basically, intentionally missing the point of the meme
For instance, a BHJ here might say something like “I’m sad that I ran out of money right before I finished my Terminator costume”
The other comments cover things pretty well, but I feel like I should also pitch in as well. I’m in my mid-20’s in a stable relationship of over 3 years (at least a part of which was long distance), so I could probably offer some more age-specific advice.
I find that a lot of younger people (ie, people at or below my age) put a lot of undue emphasis on social media. Liking a post, not liking a post, follow, not follow, whatever. These are all contrivances. They are a game designed by social media companies to keep people doomscrolling on their platform. It’s important to see and really understand that it genuinely does not matter what someone does on social media. Your boyfriend seems not to have interacted with the Instagram model after he got with you. So that’s good right? If that’s what’s really important to you, then why does it matter if he still follows her?
And even if we assume that he was still actively interacting with the model, that’s still fine. It’s important to know that there is a difference between attraction and love. Love is the very specific feeling of caring about the other person and wanting the best for them. Many younger people think that attraction and love are the same, and so a lot of drama gets started because neither side realizes that they’re mixing up their ideas of what a relationship should be like. One common issue to be aware of (and most relevant to this situation) is that being attracted to someone else is not love, and it’s not cheating. It is ok to find other people attractive, and likewise, you should not find it offensive if your boyfriend finds someone else attractive.
I will also caution that many younger couples have this expectation that their partners should allow them to go through the other person’s phones. This is extremely toxic. Don’t do that. People have a right to their own private life, even when they are in a relationship. This applies to social media as well. You shouldn’t be looking through your boyfriend’s Instagram just because you want to see if he’s following anyone that you don’t like. Remember that a relationship is built on trust, and that means that you need to trust your boyfriend to be loyal.
You might be thinking that if you shouldn’t look through people’s phones, then it’s really easy for your boyfriend to cheat for a long time without you knowing. And that’s true. That’s why cheating hurts so much. But that possibility doesn’t give you the permission to intrude on their privacy. Have faith in your boyfriend.
Finally, practice open communication and mindfulness. I find that it can be quite difficult to identify what exactly is bothering you, and talking to your boyfriend about a vague sense of jealousy isn’t going to be productive at all. In fact, it’s probably going to get him defensive. When you’re angry, disappointed, upset, jealous, etc., it’s important to take some time to think things through yourself first. These negative feelings tend to result from the feeling that one of your personal rights was violated. If you’re angry or upset, which specific action caused it? Which of your personal rights was violated by that action? It is really important to identify this, since the difference between toxic behavior and valid anger is oftentimes just based on how valid the answers are to those questions. For instance, the “right to your boyfriend’s attention” is not a real right that you have, and so if you were to get angry that your boyfriend isn’t giving you enough attention, that would, in fact, be toxic behavior. And if you do have a right to be angry, then knowing which of your rights was violated makes it easy to prove your point, so there’s no downsides to this approach.
You should be aware that there are many reasons why a guy cannot get hard. Being dehydrated, for instance, makes it really difficult to stay erect. Many guys can get pretty insecure about it, so his reaction sounds about right.
I would recommend that you not blame him for not getting hard. It just happens sometimes and that’s just something that you two will have to work around
It could be a misconfigured bios, it could also just be broken. Would it affect you if the 4080 turns out to just be broken?
The constitution also didn’t say “the president shall give a shit about the law”
Rookie mistake, IMO
Well you can have solar, wind, and hydroelectric without steam, so it’s not like you need steam