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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 12th, 2023


  • I lived around sea level for most of my life.

    Then, I went to Bozeman, MT for a night before going down to Gardiner, MT to work in Yellowstone.

    I was a metal head, heavy drinker, hop in the mosh pit, feel no pain until two days later type at the time.

    3 fucking beers tanked me. 3 raspberry heffeveizens at the Montana Aleworks had me stumbling back to my hotel bed hoping I heard my alarm so I could keep this YS job.

    I literally drank with metal rock stars before this point in time. Alexi Leiho fucking poured straight liquor into my mouth off the edge of the tour bus (Children of Bodom front man, Lead guitar, died of complications of alcoholism in his 30s). Not endorsing the behavior (in fact, no, alcohol long term fucking sucks) but it happened. Dime and Vinny of Pantera? More than a few times. I wasn’t an alcoholic, but I could drink. Youth and stupidity, eh?

    So 3 beers? Damn.

    I also smoked at the time. Climbed Bunsen peak in Yellowstone with some coworkers. I lit a cigarette, and got about halfway through it before I had to put it out and stop to breathe.

    Like, this was your first bong hit and it was a filled 6 foot bong that you took in coughing. You might puke from coughing so hard.

    What I’m saying is, altitude is no joke. You can handle your shit? Not coming from sea level of basically nothing, to roughly 1300 feet.

    Though, if you’re “training” for some sort of drinking contest or something, yeah, drink at a high altitude. I came back from YS, from being a “good drinker” to drinking hardened alcoholics under the table and feeling only the slightest bit tipsy. Altitude training, bitches.

    Note: I can not speak for how altitude training would affect tolerance when it comes to health complications. I have no math, studies, or anecdotal evidence to suggest that alcohol poisoning (or death thereof) would be positively changed by high altitude training.

  • No service animal, but I was in the “down town” area of a college town, and donated plasma cause I was broke broke.

    I’m epileptic, I don’t think the plasma donation contributed, but as I was walking back to my car, and waiting to cross a street… well, seizure.

    No one helped me, but someone took my phone, wallet, and some meds I needed to keep on me at the time, probably other stuff I don’t recall.

    The meds had no recreational value. They were seizure meds, and no, nothing like ativan that has any sort of redeeming quality outside of treating epilepsy.

    Some people just suck.

  • Yep.

    I work in IT, if I’m on a call or actively working a ticket that I can finish and just ran out of time? I’ll stay, happily, and finish it.

    I’ll help cover vacations, and if I like the company, other people calling in to an extent.

    The longest stretch I worked was when I was much younger (and dumber). Retail, before the holidays. There were a variety of contributing factors at work, but in the end I worked 22 days in a row, most often 12+ hours a day. The OT pay was nice, don’t get me wrong, but I quickly learned that my time and well being are worth more than most employers can offer, even with OT adjustments.

    I slept over 24 hours straight, and my body hurt ALL over for two weeks. That was with a wonderful girlfriend at the time who knew her way around a massage, and was happy to do so when asked - and I needed it then, lol.