Lol not a front-runner. His brain damage made him turn Republican.
Lol not a front-runner. His brain damage made him turn Republican.
OP celebrating his upcoming gut parasites thanks to Donny Dipshit
They’re just making up numbers at this point. They know their audience won’t fact check, and believe whatever they’re told.
The dispute being…Russia didn’t want to abide by the treaty they signed giving assurances that they wouldn’t invade Ukraine, based on very specific borders at the time of the signing, anymore. So they invaded. Unprompted.
Also, the Dipshit has already threatened war on several OF OUR OWN ALLIES already. So you can stop pretending he’s antiwar, now. No one buys that lie.
Man who thinks he could benefit from stealing from the US taxpayers suggests stealing from the US taxpayers…
You are OP. You use the same phrases, idiot.
He helped cause this situation. Doing the [barest minimum you can even consider the] right thing after it’s too late doesn’t change the fact that he did the wrong thing for years before this. And will go right back to that wrong thing the moment he thinks he can get away with it
Fascist says what
Never had there been a more obvious admission of guilt
Why is “I didn’t write it” the go to excuse for you right wing propaganda posters? You chose to share a bunch of lies. Not writing it is worse, for you, anyway. Just means you’re the mark.
You keep acting like you won’t someone just because you believe the lies you were told. They’re going to fuck you over just as much as the rest of us. They’re not on your side.
Has nothing to do with my feelings. That rag is well known for spreading lies. It’s weird that you get mad that your little fantasies get called out for what they are.
You’re over here all : “Lie to me more daddy”.
He’s been doing the opposite so far. This propoganda site won’t mention that though
That’s what I typed, my phone had other ideas.
False… Any system that access medical data needs to follow the same HIPAA laws regarding information access. Putting that info into a database doesn’t absorb you of the responsibility of protecting that data, neither would giving access to that database to an AI
Using 12 AM or 12 PM is useless. Midnight is both and noon is neither.
The saying “hindsight is 20/20” is stupid. 20/20 is average. As someone with better than 20/20, my hindsight would be worse than normal.
This is a right wing propoganda source trying to pretend that a brain damaged Democrat who now agrees with right wing fascist bullshit is somehow a front-runner.
It’s all a plot to pretend that the insanity happening in the executive branch is popular