Usually a lurker.
Maybe I should’ve just shut up and thought for a bit longer before writing that comment…
If you want to talk to me elsewhere, you know how to reach me.
Oh god…this series will end in 5h long releases that shozld actually have been a mini-show…
Normies würden es nicht mal mit dieser Analogie schaffen.
More weight but functioning vs multi-million-paperweight?
A better price as low density chips are cheaper.
And you can fit in more of those in a bigger space = Cheaper.
That SanDisk is it’s own company now.
But I don’t k ow if they are still a subsidiary or completely spun of WD.
If you exclude the introductory price of the drive and needing specialized software to read/write to it it’s very affordable €/TB
Considering the high prices for high density SSD chips…
Why are there no 3.5" SSDs with low density chips?
Buying musoc CD amd either ripping to flac or pirating flac after it (physically) arrived to keep it sealed.
So you wanna tell me your NAS is a Data Lake? ;D
Doing my boycott for the half a year already and at best are uszally small things like tea bags because that type is nowhere I have seen yet.
Backup: VEEAM01
VM for taxes and other stuff I don’t want on my main pc: ZAHLNIX01 (tl: not paying anything)
NAS01: My NAS file share VM
TEST01: Testing VM
Appoxo-PC2: My main PC (as it’s mark 2)
Proxmox host: PVE2 (I planned a cluster but have no other nuc to use in the cluster)
NAS: Current jellyfin and main docker host
PiNAS02: My Raspberry Pi 4
As you see: Very creative.
Totally fair. Just as a suggestion.
You ask for a “why deploy this [software]” in this community?
Anyway…Simply: Why not? =)
What I am missing is ESXi/vSphere.
Would be quite important for the few people that have access to the eval ressources to set it up.
Same for the BSD versions. I think Beehive?
Gaisburger Marsch
Ressource hog.
3rd party solutions run more efficient.
You got my respect for talking about it.
Takes quite a bit courage to talk about it.
Tron Legacy.
One of the few soundtracks I can listen from front to back.