Sounds like you may not be making enough sacrifices to The Omnisiah
Sounds like you may not be making enough sacrifices to The Omnisiah
He and Andy Serkis are aging remarkably similarly
US helped and encouraged Indonesian occupation of East Timor. I think that’s as close as we got to Australia, other than some military bases.
We have left Antarctica alone militarily speaking, but I don’t think that counts. We wouldn’t even start a war with emus penguins
Once we’ve dealt with our current outbreak of fascism, someone needs to send that man to Tudor’s Biscuit World. Tim Horton’s can’t compete with that particular fast food chain.
Edit: I live in San Diego, and every time I’m back in the South East, I stop and get Tudor’s.
They aren’t trying to kill just themselves. They want to take the rest of us and life in general with them.
That seems reasonable as well.
¿Por que no los dos?
I’m pretty sure he likes the X because that’s how a ton of illiterate tribal African leaders signed away their land to Europeans, specifically his ancestors.
Username Does NOT check out
A lot of it is pretty reprehensible. That being said, in the last 150 years, every single time that the US goes isolationist, we’ve had a world war…
If that’s the case, then Islam ended at The Siege of Fort Tabarsi.
I was under the impression that unnecessary nerd comments were specifically what this site was for. Did I accidentally stumble back to mIRC?
I hope you made them take you to court. Fuck the mouse. They are directly responsible for our ridiculous copyright laws.
Andor is excellent. Well worth pirating, and the second season starts in April.
Because prostitutes don’t care about the denomination, just that it adds up to their fee.
Would that apply to James Bond? I’ve always wondered how everyone in those movies didn’t instantly know who he was. Kinda like Archer. Archer is definitely a glowie.
Do I get any of the normal equipment I carry on me? My entrenchment tool should allow me to create a makeshift igloo in that time, at least a windbreak, but if I don’t have any fuel for a fire, then sure, I die. If I have any fuel for a fire, and an ignition source, then all I need is a tiny fire to warm me, and not melt my igloo. I also literally carry flint and steel on me at all times.
This scenario actually is literally against my person, who has been moving closer and closer to the equator, because it’s still too cold in San Diego, CA.
On the equator I would need some sort of shade and relief from the midday sun, but at least it would always be warm enough.
My dad has all of the ones that came out till 1980 or so, hardbound.