• 4 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: May 9th, 2024


  • Sports are games.

    Games are supposed to be inclusive and fun.

    Society taking games deathly serious (and equivocating it with academic merit, aka serious pursuits) is the problem.

    People rioting and murdering if the game didn’t work out for their team is the problem. Putting billion dollar stakes on games is the problem.

    Trans people or any people wanting to play games with their friends should be what society fosters and nurtures as the entire fucking point of society’s existence. Something something… planting trees something something knowing they’ll never sit under…

    Nope? let’s bring on the climate change induced extinction then. If our values are hyper competitive, dog eat dog bullshit from labor to fucking games, we should go extinct.

  • The Neoliberals are fine with that.

    They don’t care if they lose, or are in the White House, they just want their half of the corpo bribe gravy train Reagan set up for them when the American people lost their vote on the shape or priorities of our economy.

    Standing against the capital markets ending the country and the planet itself for short term profits would cost them those bribes. Those bribes are why most of them are in politics.

    They had no incentive to fix the guard rails. Biden/Pelosi/Schumer still see Republicans as their esteemed opposition, aka partners in their culture war stoking divide and profit grift, and those with a desire to help us become a society again like AOC and Sanders as their enemies.

    https://www.axios.com/2024/12/12/aoc-pelosi-oversight-committee-connolly-raskin Neoliberal priorities The month before Trump took power. Assembling Guard rails to their left, exclusively.

    https://apnews.com/article/business-nancy-pelosi-congress-8685e82eb6d6e5b42413417f3d5d6775 Neoliberal priorities in general.

    Honestly I see Biden’s parting comments, not actions but comments after a career of enabling oligarchs, as latent guilt by a senile old man who was an OG neoliberal sellout to the Reagan capitalist coup.

  • We sold our collective spines for the confidence scheme lie of oligarch urine raining down on us in the 80s.

    We surrendered the class war with no terms, and have been living under class occupation ever since. Many to most Americans still defend that surrender even here at the end rather than admit the capitalists successfully played them for fools and got them to vote for their own desperation.

    The Ronald Reagan Jack Welch confidence scheme was the end of the United States, it’s just taken this long for a meaningful number of people to be willing to admit that we were and continue to be conned into giving away the store for not only nothing, but our own destruction. Unrestricted capitalism always leads to fascism, it is its natural goal and conclusion, a captured zombie government that exists solely to further the short term profit of big business, scapegoating using for profit media and captured political pulpits to blame the powerless without such pulpits for the capitalists sociopathic, avarice driven malice.

    Citizens United was just pissing on the nation’s already long dead corpse.

  • It is inevitable that capitalists will conquer their state, but with constant vigilance, for a time, capitalism can and is used as an engine to serve society, so long as it is heavily regulated and hobbled. The Nordic nations for example.

    It’s when the capitalists begin to be allowed to influence their government, and convince the people THEY can live larger than their neighbors if it weren’t for all the social equity evil government enforces, capitalism’s signature siren call.

    The Nordic countries still have free to roam policies. Capitalism here capturing their own regulators and being allowed to warp public opinion with blatant self serving lies through for profit media pulpits make some Americans eager to shoot other Americans.

    I’m not for capitalism at all because it eventually leads here, to fascism, and eventually someone in power will be dumb or corrupt enough to let their guard down. But we let our capitalists conquer our government, as have several western nations. And here we are.

  • Never forget, the fruit of the tree of capitalism is fascism.

    Capitalism unrestrained and left to do its thing, as it has, always leads to fascism. Fascism is the takeover of the state by the capitalists.

    This is why fascism is blooming all over the western world. The global capitalist economy is simply in full bloom sitting on entirely captured nation states and fruiting.

    The fruit being concentration camps, war, poverty, and scapegoating. Anything to blame literally anyone and everything else for all the inhuman malice the capitalists are doing to attempt to satiate their unquenchable greed.

    If anyone still cares about maybe not ending the world for humanity, the capital markets must be destroyed, and speculative investment by passive robber barons not actively participating in laboring to produce products and services must be outlawed. But don’t worry, we’ll fade into the oblivion of greed made climate change out of cowardice. We’ll probably be grateful to die to that after the Fascists have had their fun.