Hit the nail on the head here.
5 bucks says the “suspects” all end up being gay, women, or non-white. You know. the same groups of people they blame everything on.
Hit the nail on the head here.
5 bucks says the “suspects” all end up being gay, women, or non-white. You know. the same groups of people they blame everything on.
Your regular reminder that polygraphs are junk science that arent admissible in court.
You’d be just as successful finding the truth by hiring a phrenologist to study the bumps of peoples heads.
I wouldnt be so sure about that. I’ve heard people say stuff that was mindbogglingly dumber than that, completely seriously.
Where did anyone say anything remotely like that?
House quality is already in the shitter. Hell, not even the shitter, its down the pipe and in the septic tank.
and its not cause home owners doing repairs.
Its cause developers spinning up an LLC, buying a plot of land, shitting out a development of 300+ homes in less than 6 months that just barely meet the barest minimum of code (and anything that doesnt typically given a slide thanks to a few greased palms), just to sell all the homes in the mad housing rush before shutting down the LLC and walking away with all the money and no liability on the terrible houses they’ve built that arent suitable for living in.
CyFy on youtube highlights the problem a lot (and how hard the builders and bribed inspectors go after him for threatening the grift).
And I have own personal experience witnessing more well off friends struggle with newly bought houses being built like shit at best, to needing 10s, to 100s of thousands of dollars in repairs less than a year after purchase at worse.
Thats some goddamn thought police shit.
Also tells you how goddamn awful the powers that be are, that the only way they can stop criticism of their badness is to ban anyone that even gives the lowest effort agreement with the criticism.
and to deliever america (and greenland and canada) to russia, for their master Putin.
The Media is Complicit in Trumps escapades.
Especially with his second term, with how astronomically hard they worked to sanewash everything he said and did. because they’d rather sell out the country and their integrity, than dare risk losing access.
The Lügenpresse are no longer the enemy of the state… They are the tool of the state.
My laptop is the only device I have that isnt linux, lol. I otherwise came over a long time ago :p
Its why my laptop is still on windows 10
Cause the last time I tried to put linux on it (admittedly this was like…6 years ago), it was an absolute fucking nightmare… 75% of the reason being the goddamn graphics card, and 25% of the reason being piss poor power management that ruined my battery after a week of trying to get it to work before giving up.
its also why my desktop is all AMD, just for the lack of headache with linux. Don’t even have to do any driver purges or reformats when I changed cards.
but with Windows 10 getting ended soon, I guess I’m gonna have to roll the dice again and see how far nvidia support has come because I’ll rather be fucked by a elephant than use 11.
I genuinely cant even remember the last nvidia card I bought… MX440 I think? (My old laptop did come with a 1050 QT, but its not like I had much choice in that, being a laptop and all…)
Not for lack of interest, its just…every time I’ve had to replace a GPU, AMD was the better bang for buck option.
Course, most of that interest came from them monopolizing tech… Like buying Ageia and getting rid of the dedicated card and integrating it onto their gpus, so only nvidia could use fancy PhysX stuff…
Is that 200 euro fun money that you can set on fire and be absolutely unaffected by its loss?
If yes, then why not. roll the dice.
If you cant afford to throw 200 euro in the trash? then obviously do the smart thing and don’t buy a potentially seriously damaged/unfixable card.
everyone wants to force you to use apps instead of websites, despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of apps are just websites…in a app wrapper, because normal websites and normal browsers have inbuilt protections for you.
Apps don’t.
Idiots install apps, give them the 400,000 permissions they ask for, then go on their merry way…ignorant to the fact that they just installed a data vacuum on their phone thats siphoning everything off of it to be used and sold and resold for marketing purposes… Even the phone itself its not safe, cause its sitting there, listening to your conversations, even when not on a call, to more “Accurately” spam you with bullshit.
thats what /s is for.