If you want to be taken seriously, be very sure to use the word turd as a pejorative. It’s very convincing in both your arguments…
If you want to be taken seriously, be very sure to use the word turd as a pejorative. It’s very convincing in both your arguments…
You wanted Dems to oppose this? Should have given them power.
When they’re our elected representatives, regardless who is president, and yet they refuse to even touch the power that is bestowed in being an elected representive to… represent…their constituency. How would the result of a presidency change the complacency we are currently witness to? Genuine question, because I dont remember a single repub shutting up over anything during Biden.
Meanwhile Hakeem Jeffries of New York has stayed absolutely silent on one of his constituents who was - without exaggeration (Associated Press) - kidnapped from his home state by ICE agents without a warrant, while holding a valid green card. That is just once example, if we needed the DNCs poster child to hold up our constitutional rights, we were fucked from the very beginning.
When the people who are elected to represent, don’t do the bare minimum in that, of course we should tell them to get the hell out of the way and let someone who gives an actual shit in. You telling to not be critical of the enablers only serves to unleash the offenders, I don’t understand how thats not clear.
FreeCAD! I dont mean to be a evangelist, but it is finally good enough for myself that I made the leap from Fusion, and I haven’t missed it a moment. Your mileage may vary, but now is better than ever to give it a(nother) try
Ubiquitous and Tiamat are my servers, Polyglotal for my home assistant voice endpoint, and some more. Points for the reference
Having fun with the… reverse sealioning?
Just dont try to spray up your ass, its pretty hard but you dont wanna.
But now you only use three or four squares of TP to dry off instead of fingerpainting shit all up your asscrack until the point you’ve been conditioned to believe is clean enough.
One problem though, shitting at your workplace or anywhere else will be insufferable. My LPT is to take one of the better hand towels and wet it in a sink before hitting up a stall. Thank me later.
And frankly I cannot disagree with you, its beyond tedious for some things I had for muscle memory on fusion, its really up to your cost to benefit. My largest necessity was to be able to handle assemblies with parametric parts, and do it without subscriptions or royalties/licensing agreements. Blender maybe could work in a pinch, but I need my designs to be constrained.
All that said, the improvement to freecad 1.0 made me blind to a lot of its quirks, because it was such an improvement for me. I tried so long with early freecad and wound back to fusion again and again. That it was finally useable is what called me over… but that is not the best advertisement, is it? Lol