While Dudek did not elaborate on what outsourcing “nonessential functions” will look like, according to The Bulwark, Martin O’Malley, who led the agency under former President Joe Biden, warned that it could involve automation and the use of artificial intelligence to replace call centers staffed by people trained to help seniors and other beneficiaries sort out complex problems.
Oh my god
While I would not mind increased automation and use of AI in workplaces, using them in call centers for social security is beyond stupid.
Edit: unpopular opinion I guess, fair enough.
Definitely unpopular opinion. I don’t know how everyone isn’t sick of shit-for-brains AI interactions
Christ, if we even have elections after this, we will desperately need a FDR 2.0 and a Congress that backs him and they will need a Progressive Project 2029.
Her. And her name is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
I think she’d be a great choice but we need a white guy to run. I hate to say it, but we need every advantage possible, and being a white man is an advantage. Maybe an AOC VP makes sense, but I’m very worried that the there’s at least enough truth to the racism/sexism claims about last year and I am sick of gambling peoples futures on candidates we know are going to struggle.
We need to run an exciting candidate. Their race doesn’t matter. Elections these days are about getting your base excited and making the opponent’s apathetic. AOC is exciting. While her being a minority woman will piss off far right voters, it won’t be like it was with Hilary, who had decades of media attacks conditioning the right to absolutely despise her.
We need to run an exciting candidate
I’m tired of this comment.
If we look for entertainers to become leaders, we get a trump. If we look for legislators, they’re not sexy.
If the populace needs a clown to vote for, then let’s stop messing about and secede already.
Oh no the leopards gonna eat the old dumb fucks good riddance.
That’s many of us in a few years.
And it’s money we earned, taken out of our paychecks already.
This is simple theft, and it hurting a few more of the ‘right people’ now is not a good thing when it hurts all (American) people soon.
A big salty tear. You get what you deserve 🤡
A big salty tear. You get what you deserve
You trolling, or you don’t understand how time works ?
Time is a flat circle. You’re doomed to repeat history, and im doomed to watch you.
So if you didn’t vote for the clown and are in a blue state you deserve theft? What kind of dumb shit take is that? Seems like the only clown here is you
You see how their username ends in Lemmy.ml? That entire instance is full of trolls and pro Russia/anti US bots. Blocking and ignoring is the universal suggestion, otherwise you’re gonna have a bad time. There are quite a few on non-Lemmy.ml instances, but blocking that is a good start. Feel however you want about the US, but they legit hate individual Americans and support the Russian state. The Russian state is corrupted (just like the US now, thanks Russia!), but individuals from either country do not represent the state as a whole, and the amount of Putin simping they do is egregious.
Thanks good to know as a new user! Much appreciated
Yes isolate yourself in an echo chamber then cry when reality beats upon your front door.
You see that loser-name ends in reddat. It means they think they know stuff because they gazed across some shallow surface of knowledge and wisdom.
Bot can’t spell.
Ok sliver dragon such fury you process I scared of being called a bot.
If you wanted to get blocked, you could have just asked instead of being a gigantic cunt. Better all around.
yOu cOuLd hAvE jUsT aXEd…
Found elons account
What a clever and insightful comment. I’m very proud of you and all the hard work you did it must have really been a struggle. How did you decide what thought you wanted to copy and repeat.
“ A big salty tear. You get what you deserve 🤡” ok Mr copy paste over here waxing poetic. Stop defending a shit take and do some introspection
You big mad bro 😂
That you had a bad take and got flamed then continued to defend it while adding a ton of emojis? I don’t think anyone here is mad, kinda sad that you’d double down on a shit take that indicates you’re either young or extremely naive.
I guess now I know im just talking to a troll from a troll quarantine zone though. Enjoy your basement and late night depression wank. I’m sure you’ll solve it by talking out of your ass more on the internet. You want to be a Collin Robinson and drain energy from everyone but you just end up looking like a sad dweeb and embarrassing yourself
Yo that romance novel you wrote for me is sweet but tldr.