They should format it as f2fs
Wait, people use thumb drives with whatever formatting was on it when they ripped open the box? Next you’re gonna tell me people pick up random usb sticks off the ground and plug it in to their computer….
Most people don’t know what a file system is
The chance of being hacked with a randomly found USB drive is near zero
It increases if you find them near secure locations.
You can format a flash drive with whatever the hell file system you want. Just, don’t expect anything formatted exFAT to work in any dedicated device made before 2019, nor even the majority of them made afterwards.
The ones who need to get their shit together are the manufacturers of printers, media players, car head units, set top boxes, game consoles, and all the other things into which you might want to insert a flash drive (or memory card) that is not a full-blown PC.
Recently tried to make a printer scan a file to an exFAT formatted thumb drive, didn’t go well. Then tried moving a file from a windows to a linux machine using another exFAT formatted thumb drive, still no luck lol.
I get the impression that ext4 is more widely supported than exFAT.
Why can’t they just make one universal standard format and then just stick to that in all systems rather than have 400 million random different incompatible file systems running around? Wouldn’t 400 million and 1 be better?
Different file system formats have different strengths and weaknesses. There isn’t a universal best one.
With it being formatted as fat32 by default it means you can format it to whatever you want however you want when you get it.
…but…that’s true of all FS’s lol