I mean yes that is normal. Not the 29 days but I sure looked like she was working why else would she bring her tattoo stuff? And yes giving a friend a tattoo is considered working.
Her story was that she was tatooing people in Mexico, not US. I believe barter/favours are permitted by tourists.
You might also expect “welcoming tourism” alternative punishments of confiscating equipment, or putting them on next plane home, instead of “straight to jail”
I mean yes that is normal. Not the 29 days but I sure looked like she was working why else would she bring her tattoo stuff? And yes giving a friend a tattoo is considered working.
Her story was that she was tatooing people in Mexico, not US. I believe barter/favours are permitted by tourists.
You might also expect “welcoming tourism” alternative punishments of confiscating equipment, or putting them on next plane home, instead of “straight to jail”