• 2 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: October 23rd, 2024


  • The deficit level is also very extreme in US. Everything so far under Trump means much higher levels, and low growth so that expands faster as % of GDP. The illusion that deficits/debt is free is something GOP complains about when they are out of power, but their “more tax cuts for the rich solution” and soylent green for the rest when they get power doesn’t solve the problem.

    Collapse of the US will harm world, economically. A good defense to being an attractive takeover target, unfortunately, is defend Canada through large deficits to match their collapse timing, unless we stop making US enemies are own enemies.

  • In a less stupid world, Canada/Europe allying with Russia instead of US is freedom for the colonies. It also means that Canada/NORAD protects the US, since Trump likes to complain about US protection of Canada, and that means US must pay for the privilege of NORAD. Buying nuclear defense from North Korea is the cheapest.

    A single nuclear detonation on Permean Bassin collapses the US economically. Their debt levels only gives them a few years anyway. The quest for Canada is mostly about diluting debt, IMO, rather than resources.

  • I’m telling you the fearmongering exists only to ensure subversion of politics/programming of Canadians to evil. This propaganada, when believed, strengthens the average idiotic person’s commitment to enemy status, ingrained by US, of those nations.

    The divisive hatred in western politics, is an inherent function of decline and unsustainability. Oligarchy and US empire is happy to destroy themselves and allies to pillage what is left of the corpse. Pretending a few extra quarters of profits, and manufacturing/jobs can be restored through infighting, war, tax cuts, and climate destruction, is the extreme evil that is more easily controlled if all of our politicians are set to the path of evil. In an unsustainable world, eat the poor/immigrants/young makes complete sense when the old and rich understand what they are voting for, and the stupid don’t understand a hero pretending to save them (only after spending everything to lose a war on China and Russia) as inspiring enough to vote.

    The vile disgusting destruction of Canada happens only because we limit not just influence on politicians, but that any humanist perspective can be labelled treason. Trade with China, peace with Russia and Iran? That will get more downvotes than upvotes around here, and so either the bot armies are against survival/prosperity, or you/we are collectively programmed to suicide.

  • Hysteria.

    Vaccine hysteria, Fuck Trudeau protests, carbon tax, immigration hatred, CPC policies at provincial levels all had significant US/oil funding. CPC media support. Whether there are bot farms upvoting twitter posts, and who funds them, has very little impact on views of Canadians compared to the established politician and media amplifications of those messages.

    Explicit anti-human disinformation spouted by US sponsored political establishment in Canada, should not be placed on same level as lobbying for peace or expanded trade narratives. The full partisan spectrum against peace is fully controlled by US and Israel lobbies. Baseless smears of unamed, unindicted, conspiracy theories that might spread an anti-warmongering narrative always gets published, and your/our programming, accepts it as confirmation of our programming, but really, it is simply ensuring that all of our politicians narratives comply with US subservience, and our enemies dictated by US, because any critical thinking/facts are just Iran/China/Russian propaganda that makes not wanting destroying Canada further, a foreign agent.

  • The appropriate criticism here is about corrupt markets resulting from restricted/scarce housing supply. Fair markets that encourage abundant housing supply, are ones that would lead to “perfect competition” and fair ROI on capital. The oligarchist/capital supremacy model of US/west corrupts markets against abundance, because extortionist profits fund politicians to protect extortionist profits.

    UBI, not democracy, is the important freedom that can address structural corruption, but still the option to rent still needs to pay for the capital/expense investment in allowing you to rent.