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- europe@feddit.org
- cross-posted to:
- europe@feddit.org
“You are being deported to… the USA.”
Jesus it’s just widespread bullshit. The only people who deserve to be treated like this are neo-conservs and neo-libs.
‘return hubs’
Yet another euphemism for concentration camps dropped
I mean, technically, they aren’t concentration camps because as far as I understand those are just places to dump the caught and deported unwanted people. They aren’t being kept there forcefully, no?
I have no idea if your comment is sarcastic or not, but those aren’t only concentration camps, they are outsourced concentration camps:
Return hubs are a euphemism for deportation centers that would be set up in non-EU countries.
The EU plans to deport rejected asylum seekers to these “return hubs” until they can be deported back to their countries of origin.
It was meant as a sincere question with a cynical undertone. Dumping “unwanteds” is obviously horrible, but I understood part of the definition of concentration camp to be a place where people of disrepute with the authoritarians in power are interred for various hideous purposes. Not a place where people are deported to, and are then free to leave (except in the direction they were just brought from).
definition of concentration camp to be a place where people of disrepute with the authoritarians in power are interred for various hideous purposes.
I mean that checks out. EU countries barely if even have any kind of democratic mandate, a lot of real power in EU is held by bureocrats with little or zero accountability to peoples of Europe, and i would say that kicking out the refugees asking for asylum back to countries which are devastated/exploited in large part by Europeans, and where they would most likely face at least crushing poverty and at worst oppresion by regimes (Syria is pretty huge case) is pretty fucking hideous.
Massively spend on weapons
Support a genocide
Create concentration camps
Boy I wonder what time it is
EU pandering to the far-right once again.
The EU is the far right. They support Nazis, war, rearmament, and genocide.
always been
Pandering to itself?
There is no left in Europe
After the CDU is being voted in Germany (which turned very very far right) I am not wondering
“Today only around 20% of those who have a return decision leave Europe. This number is by far too low,” European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said.
Pretty worrying.
People need to keep in mind these are rejected asylum seekers. Their application has been processed and denied. These are not all legitimate refugees, and especially not those with an ongoing asylum application. Normally these rejected asylum seekers would be put in jail pending their deportation but due to the fact that
- we have more of them than we have free space in our jails,
- many don’t have valid papers for whatever reason and
- often come from countries that try to extort the deporting countries for taking back their own citizens
the temporary detention term (“Abschiebehaft” and “Vorbereitungshaft” in DACH countries) has simply often not been applied. Many of these rejected asylum seekers then end up absconding. It may sound harsh but Denmark has been doing these deportation hubs for many years already and they’re highly effective.
Duck off you nazi.
My wife is one of those illegal immigrants. You have no idea how deshumanizing the whole process is. The “whatever reason” why she lost her visa was because the cops were supposed to check her address and couldn’t be bothered. It took 6 months. Meanwhile her visa was rejected. And before you ask, yes, even getting married doesn’t guarantee her to stay.
Amazing how privileged idiots who probably live 2 hours from their mum have an opinion about immigration, as if we didn’t see all they care about is not having too much brown people around them. Meanwhile people are getting “pushed back” to drown in the mediteranea, the UE is paying charming people like Erdogan or the tunisian president to do their dirty job, all in the name of their barely hidden xenophobia.
We should exile you out of the UE.
This isn’t Reddit, you don’t have to reach boiling point just because you disagree with someone online. I have a German passport but my parents were “legal” immigrants from a non developed country. My wife is a “legal” immigrant (I’m not even mentioning skin colors because I think it’s a stupid way of trivializing one’s whole identity and life experience). They respected the conditions of moving to this country and they abided by them. But you call me a nazi because I don’t agree with your idea of who should be conditionally allowed in our country or not.
We went through the whole legal rigamarooo and I know how German civil servants can be painfully slow. You and me can clearly both agree that German authorities (I can’t speak for other EU countries) cannot efficiently deal with the influx of illegal immigrants. But if I think that centralizing the process with EU funding is possibly a good thing, I’m a nazi.
I never voted and never will vote for AfD but if you believe that someone from a warzone in the Middle East can simply make their way through the Balkans or North Africa and then the Mediterranean, choosing to claim asylum in a Western European country like Germany, after having passed half a dozen safe countries, where other Europeans go for a vacation, along the way, and throws away their identification papers to increase the processing duration of their asylum claim and make the possibility of a deportation is near impossible is unconditionally entitled to asylum - then we’ll forever agree to disagree.
Hey this reminds me of some history. Did you know that before considering the final solution the initial idea was to deport jewish people to Madagascar. This was all “legal” we are in Germany of course. The Nuremberg laws stripped jews and others of their citizenship, simmilar again. German authorities at the time could not deal with the total number of peoples in need of transportation. So they considered other at the time “legal” options. Oh well.
Not the person you’re responding to, but I think we should have open borders*. The whole “you were born here so you’re cool” thing is archaic and cruel.
We could use some of the immense wealth of the ultra wealthy to build more housing and infrastructure. (This is a US-centric visualization, but in case you forgot how much wealth is concentrated in so few humans: https://eattherichtextformat.github.io/1-pixel-wealth/ )
*I would mandate vaccinations and similar for entry, but would provide them free of charge. So not quite “unconditional” but I think “no measles, please” is a pretty understandable condition. Unless you’re some parts of the US right now, I guess.
This isn’t Reddit, you don’t have to reach boiling point just because you disagree with someone online.
Your original comment was dismissive of the realities of what happens to people seeking asylum, and your followup is to be a condescending prick spouting nonsense about reddit because someone challenged you on your dumb fucking bullshit where you didn’t consider for 2 fucking seconds the actual reality of what these policies do to people.
Fuck off you disgusting cunt.
I have a German passport but my parents were “legal” immigrants from a non developed country. My wife is a “legal” immigrant (I’m not even mentioning skin colors because I think it’s a stupid way of trivializing one’s whole identity and life experience). They respected the conditions of moving to this country and they abided by them. But you call me a nazi because I don’t agree with your idea of who should be conditionally allowed in our country or not.
“I got mine so fuck you” classic children of immigrants who see nothing wrong with pulling the ladder up behind them because survivorship bias means clearly the system is good and my family is deserving and yours isn’t.
Fuck off you disgusting cunt.