Big “y tho” response from me
Big “y tho” response from me
Short answer: If they don’t know anything else about you except you’re “Christian”, they don’t know if you’re like a left-wing unitarian or a horrible “conversion therapy, make being trans a felony” evangelical. The former is pretty safe, but if you’re the latter hanging out with you could be dangerous.
Longer thoughts: Many christians are not good about queer topics. This can include “we should torture them” (“conversion therapy”), laws that make life harder for them (eg: banning marriage), and lower grade unpleasantness like “i’ll pray so you don’t go to hell”.
Many christians also don’t really do much to stop their peers. It’s not really your responsibility to fight everyone on every topic, but if you keep going to a church that wants to oppress queer people, you’re supporting something that’s hostile. I don’t care how nice their pastor is or how much fun the choir group is, if the church wants to rip apart my friend’s families and you support that, we can’t be friends. Find another church.
Lastly, and this is more general and less about queer folks, most christians are not very good at it. The bible has lots of stuff about love your neighbor (and your neighbor includes your out-group) and not fixating on material wealth, but I see a lot of so-called christians doing squat for the homeless and vulnerable, voting for cruelty, and sitting around in their nice house with their big screen tv. (All that prosperity gospel, “sin all you want and be forgiven” stuff seems like nonsense.
Anyone else thinking of that book “a libertarian walks into a bear”?
That sounds really tricky to implement.
There are so many ways to mislead, sometimes not even intentionally or maliciously. Like, is the passive voice going to have to go? There’s a difference between like “Man killed after interaction with police” and “police fatally shoot man”
I’m inclined to agree with your intent, I think, but I don’t know how to implement it
Violence is not inherently bad. The badness depends on the context. So “doesn’t that make them more-violent??” appeal is technically true, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong.
“Cutting someone open and taking out an organ” is pretty fucked up, unless it’s in a hospital and they’re removing an appendix so the patient doesn’t die.
Punching someone in the face is usually bad, but if that person is planning to go on and do mass murder, it’s still in the black.
How do you tell they’re a nazi? Well, sometimes they tell you. Sometimes they wear a clothes that signal it.
Sometimes people act like “if you can’t write an algorithm to perfectly decide how to behave in all cases you’re wrong” and that’s just not how human behavior and decision making has ever been. People make judgement calls with incomplete information all the time, and that’s okay.
Trump voters are some of the stupidest people alive. Just vibes voting that trump will somehow “end inflation” despite there being no evidence that any of his proposed policies would do so. Many of them will suffer as a result of his changes, but as they are unbelievably stupid people, I don’t think they will reject conservatism or capitalism. They’ll just be conned again.
Reddit is a soulless corporation that only wants to make money. Like a vampire, but money instead of blood. But if you drove a stake through the heart of reddit’s CEO and board members, you’d go to jail for some reason. Unless the jury was super cool and nullified.
I believe French does this as well. To answer in the affirmative to a negative question, you use “si” instead of “oui”
“Si” is also the word for “if”, which has probably confused people.
(top search hit, not sure if good, but on a quick glance it looks correct https://www.commeunefrancaise.com/blog/si-in-french )
Windows sure is bad, though I haven’t seen an actual blue-screen in years. That’s some foul luck.
Musk seems like the kind of D&D player who would
It was kind of wild going from D&D to games that don’t have tons of HP.
Players make different choices when they have a maximum of 7 health, and a random mook with a baseball bat hits for minimum 2, maximum “well if the dice keep exploding…”
If we’re waving magic wands around, change the tax laws to limit how much you can inherit.
Changing the step up basis thing is actually pretty low hanging fruit.
I don’t want to be a goat farmer but I do find people that work hard to make management richer are insufferable.
“”" A man is walking into the office when he sees his boss pull into the parking lot in a brand new sports car. “Wow! Nice car! How’d you afford that?” he says.
The boss smiles at him and says, “Listen. If you work hard, hit all your numbers this quarter, put in some overtime, then I can buy another one next quarter.” “”"
Every time this comes up (which is too often) I’m like “Who is buying this?” How can we make them stop? Do they need help?
Sure, but every time someone’s like “I’m going to do a game of secret modern day vampires doing political intrigue in DND” I’m going to judge them.