“Im one of the good ones”, “i put in the work”
”I was full aware the leopards would eat my face. I’m in great pain right now, but I believe it’s for the best ”
Gen X’er here, guessing this person hasn’t had to look for a job in a while. Especially when externalities make the search more difficult, like having an entire sector upended.
It took 1500 applications, over 100 interviews, and 4 years to find my current position. And, this was a callback from a prior rejection! They let the first person go that I interviewed with due to sabotaging intake because they were insecure in their position. Have fun with all that.
Average conservative.
They don’t see what the problem is until they get face-eaten. The sad part is the ones who go “Well as long as those brown people get it worse!”
Well I’ll say two things, first the old /r/conservative would never have allowed this open of a discussion. I don’t know if these stayed up long but I remember people even going very slightly against the Fox narrative being banned.
Also this guy, completely and utterly misguided though I believe he is, at least has the courage of his convictions. He’s willing to make a sacrifice for what he thinks is good for the country. I very much doubt he’s right but still, that’s more than most people can say.
Smells strongly of retrofitted justification BS to me.
The question remains, does “good for the country” mean good for the citizens, or good for the elite?
Its good for the elite, but I guess this guys thinks he will get something good out of it
I mean if you ask me the answer is obvious. But he didn’t (and apparently still doesn’t) think so.
Yep, betting long term future on Trump is at very best laughable.
When you receive information that proves you wrong you can do 1 of 2 things. You can admit you were wrong, or you can double down and twist the situation to avoid admitting it. “This is actually what I thought would happen and I wanted this”. I actually think its cowardly. It takes courage to stand up and admit they were wrong.
Not if you haven’t actually changed your mind. If you believe it’s at your expense but actually better for the country in the long term. Again, I don’t think he’s right but he may think he is.
Well, because its easier to sleep with that double down mindset.
Otherwise he will become depressed and realize how stupid he is
American conservatives are so fucking dumb. I hope they get everything they voted for, fuck them.
It is actually legitimately hard to wrap your head around how dumb they are.