He’s already wasted half of it:
It’s 1 billion dollars. Literally 3$ per person.
That’s a lot. And it’s $3 that I don’t have to give away.
And it’s going to our childrens future.
I’d happily pay that $3.
Your are totally welcome to pay that $3. You can donate it. But I don’t want to pay that $3.
What would you pay 3 dollars for? 3-4 dollars a week got me lunch as a kid bcz we were so destitute and broke. Taking that away means kids go hungry. But, kids only matter when they’re unborn, am I right?
No one is stopping you from starting your own charity to make up for it and you can also donate plenty of your own money to it.
It never ceases to amaze me the callouses of some people, their unwillingness to help anybody else if it doesn’t somehow benefit them directly. It’s such a short minded way of viewing the world. You must be a very lonely person.
Lol don’t be fooled this costs way more than any “savings”. And it’s factually illegal.
And it’s factually illegal.
Then no reason to be upset. It’ll just get overturned then, right?
If someone torches your house down but your insurance pays out it’s all good, right?
If your insurance pays out and doesn’t just refuse because fuck you.