the fuck
Sus. If there was a security camera they would have checked that first.
Keep your head down anon, it is a bluff.
Also, stop putting shit in drinking water you sick fuck.
Poop has DNA from the depositor.
Can your employer compel you to provide a DNA sample?
When corporations put fecal matter in the water supply, that’s just the will of the free market and the natural order of things. When you do it, however, all of a sudden it’s “endangerment of life”. Double standard much?
Potentially taking legal action?
I’d definitely be pressing for criminal charges in that situation!
Be cool dude
Putting something full of dangerous bacteria in the water supply isn’t just a prank. If someone put some food safe additive in there to make the water taste or smell bad it’d be less of an issue. (Still a jerk move, debatably.)