I’m using Proton right now. Someone suggest I should get a Gmail instead for higher chance of success. Is that true? How risky is it for Google sanning those mails in terms of privacy?
Are you trying to be hired by Google? Then, maybe ;)
More seriously, I don’t know if this matters. Do people really care about the address?
I’ve been using my own domain names for decades, what I’m using behind that name doesn’t show. But I’m also old enough I don’t need to worry about (un)pleasing any potential employer.
I’ve hired people and my wife has been in a position to evaluate applicants for a job.
What we have learned is that choosing an applicant is super subjective. Different things impress my wife and I in an applicant. (We work at different places)
Additionally, once I instructed applicants to do something specific in their application, but someone didn’t follow the instructions. Turns out the thing I said not to do when applying was actually much more helpful than I thought.
So even though a few people applied the “right” way, the girl who did it “wrong” got the job.
So when you apply, it’s mostly a matter of checking the right boxes and getting lucky.
When places look at resumes, they’re looking at communication skills, education, experience, and work history. They’re looking for lies and exaggerations. The poor bastards have probably been through 60 resumes a day and they’re just hoping to find a keyword here or there that isn’t like the other 60 resumes.
If they’re unscrupulous they’re also looking at your name and trying to figure out your race/gender.
As long as the email address and content you provide exudes professionalism, and the email works, They don’t care at all.
As far as privacy, forget it. The business you are working with is already certainly using Microsoft or Google, they’re vetting your email address and content through a spam filter. In most cases you are private email has no longer private the second it gets to any company.
I thought Google Workspace mailboxes aren’t scanned?
They do say that. And I can’t say they’d tell us if they started. But for the moment let’s assume they still don’t. I also can’t say that they’d tell us if the government asked them to. But let’s put a pin in that too.
They do not claim not to scan the SMTP and mail transport. We know that they do scan it try to discern spam.
Do you trust them not to sell that juicy email they just scanned from an external email address?
That probably depends more on what is before the @. Is your mailadress a gamertag or some random thing you came up with as a teen? “Superbunny69” probably has a lower chance of success than “lastn.firstname”
Maybe I am an odd duck, but when I have been the guy looking at resumes and shit, I made a note not to read peoples email addresses. I don’t care if your email is cumdumpster19 I care if you know how to configure a firewall. But I think most people look for reason to round file a resume and not reasons to say yes to an applicant.
The roles I’ve hired for require formal presentation of work/studies with a certain level of attention to detail, and more internal politics than I care to admit.
So while its never the sole deciding factor in a resume I do put weight on spelling, formatting, and general professionalism. If your email is
, orjon@sirfapsalot.net
I’m not immediately binning it, but you are starting from a disadvantage.stephanie@harmlessdomain.com
is always gonna be just fine though.I’m changing my name to Stephanie right now, and buying harmlessdomain.com if it’s available! Then I’ll always be fine!
is available - I expect to see it registered by tomorrow or I’m never trusting a stranger on the internet ever again!I’m a pretty untrustworthy stranger on the internet, it seems. The domain is still available, and I’m somewhat intrigued by it, though not enough to actually grab it. But I did change my name to Stephanie nonetheless…
You’re hired!