This is ai, right? Right?? I’ve been eating food for over 40 years now and I think I can only identify peas on that plate.
This slop is real
I don’t eat at many expensive restaurants, but that plating reminds me of watching the old Japanese Iron Chef episodes, and how 90’s the food presentation is. Sometimes I look at the (probably delicious) dishes made on that show, and the presentation looks as unappetizing as a 1960’s salad jello. I lack the right words as a culinary critic, but this style seems like “what people 30-40 years ago expected fancy food to look like”.
Not hamberder?
just served recently…
I’ll have a cheeseburger, medium rare and please hold the mark of the beast.
Well-done only
Trump might be a gigantic piece of shit, but this just looks like a Cordon Bleu presentation - 1/3 the food of a standard restaurant serving at 3x or more the price & with a purposefully pretentious layout. The sorts of meals that would make someone aping at high station say something like that it was “an exquisite opera for the palate” while pinching their thumb & index finger together, and tilting their head back. I don’t know enough about the Trumps to call them nouveau riche, but he’s got all the class of a tuxedo stolen from a corpse by grave robbers, so this setup at his golf course’s restaurant tracks perfectly IMO.
The only good example from a movie/show that I can think of is the cooking scenes from Hannibal:
It looks like they are eating directly off of charger plates too lol. Really fucking ugly ones at that.
I call bullshit, there’s vegetables.
I was gonna say, I doubt Trump eats anything green.
That last picture registers to me as child abuse.
Remember, he hires only the best