Class 13 Death World
If we’re going by Columbus logic, probably “Jupiter”
Can we get to Jupiter through Earth? No, but at least there’s beaver.
Meat Packing Facility #173
The call it “Dirt”. There was a misunderstanding with the word “Earth” and it got translated to soil or dirt, so they picked “Dirt”.
“This isn’t Mars? You’re not martians? Ah fuck you, you’re martians.”
“West Martians”.
Blue Marble probably
Translated to English, probably “Name-of-Star” 3, as in 3rd planet from our star, same system as Star Trek. The key difference is Columbus had no idea where he was going, and aliens have to know exactly where they’re going. Can’t shoot into space and find a planet by accident.
Chances are you can find a planet by accident, it’s just going to take a very long time
Are the aliens going to rape and enslave?
Very likely
Salty Water Ball With Some Dirt Patches