A female wizard is a “mage”, right? A male witch is a warlock
Sorcerer and sorceress. Sorcerers and sorceresses don’t require any incantation to do magic, that’s the difference between wizardry and sorcery
Lies and deceit made by plebian mundanes. Wizard is someone who knows too much, and thus is gender neutral. Mages are technically of Persian priest castes so are gender neutral. Warlocks are oath breakers and also are gender neutral, as anyone can break oaths. Sorcerers/resses are ones who cast lots for divination. So in all technicality you could be a wizard warlock mage sorcereress.
Glabrous means hairless. What’s the insult here?
This dude’s bald
Reverse wolfmanosis
I attend a magic council with a commitment to being open and affirming. Our council has wizards, warlocks, magi, witches, seers, necromancers, and even an abjurer. If you mess with a broom you best be ready for the staff from behind. Equal rites for magic users!
(Except sorcerers, they’re a bit scarily focused on purity of blood lines for my taste)
Wow, just say you hate druids.