John Brown was a deep Christian too, so I don’t know maybe there is something to it after all.
For anyone who is interested in knowing if she ever ended up shooting a fascist, here’s the relevant paragraph from Wikipedia:
As she was extremely nearsighted, Weil was a very poor shot. Her comrades tried to avoid taking her on missions, though she did sometimes insist. Her only direct participation in combat was to shoot with her rifle at a bomber during an air raid; in a second raid, she tried to operate the group’s heavy machine gun, but her comrades prevented her, as they thought it would be best for someone less clumsy and near-sighted to use the weapon. After being with the group for a few weeks, she burnt herself over a cooking fire.
To be fair, taking out a fascist is the key to a happy afterlife
Is this promoting suicide? She’s probably going to die if she joins the war in Spain. Should we cancel Existential Comics for promoting suicide?
Anarchism should be communism + Christianity.
Except the whole no gods thing
I don’t think atheism is central to anarchism. Opposition to religion (in its institutional and hierarchical form) is, but not belief in a higher being per se.
Anarchism can make Christianity non-authoritarian, and Christianity can teach anarchism how to be spiritual. Of course nor anarchism nor Christianity need each other, but I like how they complete each other.
Not to mention quakers often gave communists spaces to organise in and hold meetings.
There have been Christian anarchists. Jacques Ellul comes to mind. His book on propaganda is pretty good.