Autistic robot girl in a crowded area: Traffic! Traffic! Descend! Descend!
Autistic robot girl in a crowded area: Traffic! Traffic! Descend! Descend!
The difference is Galileo produced a highly successful theory with more explanatory power than its predecessor, while people who don’t trust “The Science” nowadays spent exactly 2 seconds thinking about it before saying “nuh uh”.
I used to go on 1-2 hour walks every day, the heat never felt less bad.
Why are we still talking about this? It’s over, and we can’t undo the results.
I’m sure the first camp exists, but you should not imply that everyone who voted Democrat and wanted people to vote Democrat was that. I did that, and I encourage everyone to criticize their horrible decisions and actions, of which there are depressingly many.
I’d love it if we pressured them to not be quite as horrible, but at the same time I did not want the Republican party to win control because I knew they’d be worse for people in almost every way. And now, as a trans person, I have to worry about what I won’t be allowed to do anymore, or how they’ll try to make my life worse just for existing. Sending a signal or whatever you think Democrats losing does does not justify the new shit minorities will face now.
girlll pilllz!
If you want gay friends, you must install Linux. I don’t make the rules.
You’re right, feelings do matter, and this post did not dispute that. It’s just that safety matters more.
It saddens me that the default interpretation of this is accusatory and requiring of defense. Not to personally blame you, this is very common and clearly a systemic reaction, but I don’t know enough psychology/politics/sociology to understand why, just enough to know it’s bad.
People don’t use megameters enough that you can rely on them knowing what it is nor have an intuition for it even if they technically know.