They did and are refusing to answer. They’re just a conservative that’s larping as a Democrat for internet points.
They did and are refusing to answer. They’re just a conservative that’s larping as a Democrat for internet points.
The article is a security company trying to hype their company ruining their reputation in an incredibly ill-thought out attack that companies will ABSOLUTELY remember.
Even worse, it just makes this security company look incompetent. Like a home security company that announces a huge vulnerability in Schlage locks- there’s a key that can unlock the lock included with every lock sold!!11!!!11!one!
I like how when valve does it, it’s ‘gambling,’ but every other company out there it’s just ‘microtransactions’ and ‘monetization.’
Valve somehow gets 99% of the hate online for lootboxes, despite having one of the most transparent and fair implementations of them.
Like, have you people never seen a gacha? Half of them don’t even fucking publish the rates for what you can get, and make far more money than Valve does.
Boy are you gonna be surprised as hell when you find out what sort of percentage other publishers take, especially for physical releases!
Shockingly enough, infrastructure requires money to run!
If you’re a ‘left leaning moderate’ that thinks the democrats are too left, you’re right-wing. The democratic party in the US is a center-right party.
So instead of blatant racism based on a lie, you’re just going to dogwhistle racism based on a lie.
Oh please, Sony, Nintendo, Apple, etc all take 30%+. Epic is flailing horribly while running EGS at a deficit held up solely by Fortnige skins and gambling (but it’s ok when they do it right?)
Physical publishers take 60%+.
Humble bundle is getting discounted keys because it’s for charity.
Steam is a publisher. They’ll also finance your game with interest-free loans, you don’t even need to publish your game on Steam.
More to the point, Steam offers massive value for that 30%- forums, hosting, security, patching services, hosting, matchmaking, dlc options, the list goes on and on… And more importantly, steam doesnt care if you use those services even while selling keys elsewhere. that means that steam doesn’t even get 30% of the take from those keys.