• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • Elon Musk is saving the US money in the same way that not paying your mortgage saves money. The real question to ask is not “how much are we spending on X” but “Are the benefits we receive for paying for X worth it?” No surprise, that deeper analysis is NOT being done because fans of the right are just out for blood in the form of cancelled government programs. After all, why not? Trump has told them for years now that the government lies, that every single program is flush with waste and so on. They are basically getting what they asked for, except they never considered the deeper effects. This is why the right wants uneducated masses. If they aren’t using critical thinking skills, they’re perfect supporters.

  • I have to assume that most of these “swindled” people were low-information voters

    I’m sorry, if you’re a low information voter in the information age, you are getting what you deserve. How many of these people share links on Facebook with memes that can be disproven with a 5 minute visit to the library? This is the “science is fake” crowd I’m talking about. They are constantly surrounded by information and turn up their nose at it. They are proud to be ignorant. Well, there’s a real cost to being ignorant, and that cost is being swindled by con-men. The very same con-men will blame things on Biden, and I’m sure not 100% of the voters will wake up, but they didn’t want to listen before and they made this bed. Now we ALL have to lie in it.

  • Oh Bill Burr, what a rebel. Did you say this and then hop in your limo, sipping on a cappuccino at some overpriced coffee shop in Los Angeles? Because that’s just soooo not the image of a real-life firebrand like yourself, is it?

    Newsflash, Bill: “Billionaires should be put down like rabid dogs” is not radical, it’s not edgy, and it’s certainly not provocative. It’s just basic human decency. I mean, come on, you’re talking about the same people who own half the media outlets in this country. The same people who make millions off the suffering of others.

    And what’s with the whole “rabid dogs” thing? Is that supposed to be some kind of clever metaphor for how these billionaire sociopaths are just running around, spreading their diseased ideology and ruining everything they touch? Please. It’s just a lazy way of putting down someone who is already being criticized by millions of people.

    And don’t even get me started on the irony. You’re complaining about billionaires, yet you’ve got your own Netflix deal that’s worth tens of millions of dollars. So no, Bill, I don’t think you can talk about how you wish we’d put down these “rabid dogs” when you’re probably more concerned with padding your bank account.

    I mean, what’s next? Are you going to start ranting about how much you love socialist Bernie Sanders and how we should all just give up and live in a tent city because it’s the only way to combat income inequality? Give me a break. You’re not some kind of true original thinker, Bill. You’re just another middle-of-the-road comedian who thinks he can make waves by saying whatever outrage du jour is popular.

    And you know what the worst part is? I bet most people are going to be more turned off by your fluff piece than anything else. They’ll read this article and think “oh, Bill’s got a new rant!” instead of actually listening to what he has to say about the issues that really matter.

    But hey, keep on complaining, Bill. Keep on talking about how you wish we’d put down billionaires like rabid dogs. Maybe if you spent more time actually doing something to change the system and less time pontificating in your limo, people would actually start listening to what you have to say.