Mmmm, that’s some fresh greentext too!
Mmmm, that’s some fresh greentext too!
Which is intensely frustrating for people who actually care about free speech. Can’t talk about it without setting off everyone’s “that guy is probably a nazi” alarms.
It’s absolutely an intentional trap to attempt to get people to support moves against free speech by tainting the concept through negative association.
We shouldn’t tolerate hate speech. But I’m concerned about where we end up in a few decades if the concept of free speech keeps the current connotations.
And people might consider even this comment as sealioning or something.
Meanwhile we have people unironically using phrases like unalive and censoring swear words in screenshots so they don’t trip the automated content filters on mainstream social media. That should be more concerning than people seem to take it. People joke about “literally 1984”, but unalive is blatant newspeak.
Sonic lore is hilariously messy. It gets absolute batshit when you start getting into the Archie comics. There’s more than enough to keep going forever, but at some point you need to address your own brain oozing out your ears and stop.
There’s some minor stuff I left out, like how Mecha Sonic (Game Gear) is often called Silver Sonic to differentiate it from Mecha Sonic (Mega Drive/Genesis) when talking about the games, but Mecha Sonic (Mega Drive/Genesis) is canonically named Silver Sonic in the Archie Comics. Both of those are different from Silver the Hedgehog, who is from the future that alternate dimension Nega Eggman (mentioned in the other comment) is from.
And seriously, the Archie comics timeline is insane. This is from the “Metal Sonic Series (Archie Comics)” page on the Sonic Wiki, and it’s notably not the only robot doppelgangers-of-characters “team”.
Like how do you even start with that? First Robotnik War? Metal Sonic v3.0 is separate from the other versions, but spoiler: he isn’t the same 3.0 from Sonic Rivals 2. Mecha Sonic is a separate entity from Silver Sonic?
Also, presented without comment: Psuedo-Sonic from the Archie comics.
People tend to think of the old Star Wars Extended Universe as the classic over-detailed lore, but the Sonic Archie comics are way way up there too. It was the longest running monthly comic book series to never be relauched, with roughly 512 total issues if you count the spinoffs.
Cybershell is an old Something Awful goon who’s made plenty of Sonic videos, but I think his Archie Sonic retrospective/postmortem is an entertaining overview, if heavy on using the word retarded. Was totally aping some of his attitude for that shitpost of a comment.
How do you know there is nobody who wants to take over? Have you posted on the community about it? Or on one of the moderator communities?
um ackshually that’s Metal Sonic, first appearing in Sonic CD.
Mecha Sonic is a boss from Sonic 2 Game Gear, and is totally different.
Which should never be confused with Mecha Sonic that’s one of the final bosses of Sonic 2 Mega Drive/Genesis.
Or Mecha Sonic Mk II from Sonic and Knuckles, who is clearly an upgraded version of Mecha Sonic, not an upgraded version of Mecha Sonic.
Or Super Mecha Sonic, the transformation of Mecha Sonic Mk II, but who has nothing to do with Mecha Sonic, Mecha Sonic, or Metal Sonic.
And I could never imagine how anyone could be stupid enough to confuse them with Mecha Sonic Mk III, the background decoration from Sonic Adventure, who is clearly an upgrade of Mecha Sonic, not an upgrade of Mecha Sonic, Mecha Sonic Mk II, or Metal Sonic. (Why do I taste copper?)
But you could be forgiven for mistaking Metal Sonic for his later self-upgraded form Neo Metal Sonic, the antagonist from Sonic Heroes.
Neo Metal Sonic can transform into Metal Madness from Sonic Heroes. Only a fool would think that Metal Sonic, Mecha Sonic, Mecha Sonic, Mecha Sonic Mk II, Super Mecha Sonic, or Mecha Sonic Mk III could do that.
Metal Madness can transform into Metal Overlord, of course. I don’t know how that could be any more obvious, or how anyone could confuse this for Metal Madness. C’mon they’re completely distinct. (Does anyone smell burnt toast?)
And only an idiot wouldn’t understand Metal Sonic 3.0 is a completely new robot made as an upgraded version of Metal Sonic, created by an alternate dimension version of Eggman who isn’t from an alternate dimension but is from the future, who is a rival to Metal Sonic who is no longer Neo Metal Sonic. It’s mind boggling that something so simple could confuse anyone with a basic modicum of intelligence.
And the Metal Sonics from the Archie comics are entirely self explanatory. Why is there this wet red stuff coming out of my ears? I think I’m going to have a lie down.
I honestly don’t remember the specifics of how I’ve got my Pro install configured for updates. I think it doesn’t notify of available updates until they’ve been out a month (keeps me from pulling down a bleeding edge update that causes more problems than it fixes), downloads them so they’ll auto-install on shutdown/restart for a week, and if I don’t uodate that week then it flashes up the “your organization requires you to update by [next week]” message. I don’t think it actually forces when that week runs out, so you’re probably right, but it’s been a long time since I’ve went two whole weeks without shutting down or rebooting.
I do know that I’ve got “feature updates” (read OS changes) set to only be available if I manually install them. So the whole “Windows forces you to upgrade to 11” complaint is pure BS at least.
You can totally stop updates on Windows. Fully off. They don’t offer good options for updating on demand on your own schedule, but you can disable updates entirely and for pro and enterprise skus you can use GPO for additional delay options.
That’s a bit of a spoiler, isn’t it?
Not the commenter, but Christian as well. Consider myself non-denominational, but attend/worship at an Episcopalian Church. The hobby comment isn’t entirely untrue, but there’s more meaning to it than that for me at least.
Most hobbies don’t have such an outsized influence on my life. The hobbies that could would cost a lot of money.
Then you need better ear plugs. Not whatever headphones you use to jam out (although there are decent noise blocking in ear ones if you look hard enough) but actual hearing protection. Maybe look into ones for gun range use? If you can bear sleeping in them, there’s also the kind of earmuff hearing protection gear that workers use when working on the airport tarmac.
Or louder white noise. The whole point is so that you have audio that you can sleep through (and won’t damage your hearing) that makes outside noise quiet enough that it doesn’t wake you up.
Like seriously what the fuck are your neighbors doing that gets through a good eye mask and ear plugs? Coming inside your room and shaking you?
At some point I would think it would be enough you could lodge a noise complaint with your landlord, RA (if you’re in dorms), or the local police (using the non emergency number).
There’s also melatonin and stuff like zzzquil, but those don’t work for everyone and I would be concerned about anything more than melatonin being potentially habit forming.
This comment brings up another important point: by reddit’s own “reddiquette”, upvotes and downvotes are not meant to be used as a sign of support. Everyone knows that they are, but officially they are meant to simply be used as “this contibutes to the conversation”.
So there’s hypocrisy right at the base concept this whole plan is built off of. Not surprising.
Eye mask, white noise machine or app on your phone to help drown out noise, and if that’s not enough then ear plugs.
Yes, as the comment you replied to already said. That is called the wet bulb temperature.
I’m definitely not inebriated enough for whatever the hell this is supposed to be.
If you want instant liver failure, take a shot every time someone uses an incredibly oversimplified understanding of the human brain and LLMs to assert LLMs have human properties.
Also, shoutouts to !techtakes@awful.systems and !fuck_ai@lemmy.world
Don’t go in those if you have any sort of desire to defend modern content generation/content thievery AI.
Also, yes LLM style AI has it’s uses. Mainly to generate shit that we shouldn’t need in the first place, or stuff that we should pay a person to do well. And the cost is stupid when compared to the minor benefit.
If you’re not bringing up your feelings because you’re afraid it will end the relationship, that’s silly. If that ends the relationship, the relationship would have always ended.
Louder for the back! No one benefits from drawing out a relationship that won’t work. Don’t be a freak, but be as up front as you can manage.
Sorry, not going to mince words: That’s hypocritical as fuck. You can ask him to keep it private (off instagram or other social media), but you get off to other men too.
How would you feel if he told you that made him sick to his stomach?
You can’t just handwave this away as “lol idk why I feel this way, but it’s his problem to deal with!” No. Stop. Bad. Don’t make me get the spray bottle or the rolled up newspaper.
This is something about yourself and your own feelings that you need to sort out, for yourself. I don’t mean “just get over it, lol”. I mean that you need to figure out why you feel this way. If you bring it up to him, you need to have specific actions he can take to assuage your feelings. You need to decide how important this is to you, and accept that it may be a dealbreaker for you or for him. And most of all, you can’t be a hypocrite about whatever you ask of him.
So far, he’s not done anything disrespectful to you, because you haven’t communicated your wants about this to him. I would feel uncomfortable about hearing that my partner was DM’ing a thirst catcher especially while dating, but as you say: he stopped when you two got together.
Honestly, it sounds like you’ve got a lot of yourself to sort out for yourself. Don’t feel bad about it, that’s super normal for your age especially, and normal for almost any age. Figuring out why you feel certain ways, deciding if it’s reasonable or not, if things are a want or a need. But try to work on figuring yourself out for your sake. It’s a lot easier to have a relationship when you know yourself well, your own problems, and your own needs.
He has problems getting hard when we do it which makes me question if he’s thinking about something else but he gets mad when this happens to him lol.
Holy toxic Batman!
It could be him not being present/thinking of someone else, or it could be any of a wide number of other reasons. Shit happens and sometimes people’s parts don’t cooperate.
Does 1984 simply mean “dystopia” now?
What, you expect people to read? To be familiar with a piece of media before they reference it?
At this point there’s been a meme for years about people misusing it.
For new people, please note that lemmy.ml is also a marxist-leninist instance (hence the “ml”) and tends to be the home of some more abrasive users of lemmy. Unless you’re into that philosophy I’d reccomend only using it for dev discussion and info on the main Lemmy “project”.
Otherwise you’re liable to get shit on for uttering more “mainstream leftist” views because their userbase doesn’t think you’re left enough. That makes it sound worse than it is, but there are some users who have given up on Lemmy because of dogpiling by ml users.