Anything and everything Amateur Radio and beyond. Heavily into Open Source and SDR, working on a multi band monitor and transmitter.
#geek #nerd #hamradio VK6FLAB #podcaster #australia #ITProfessional #voiceover #opentowork
That’s not good …
I now write a date on them, so when I next lay eyes on it, I can decide if enough time has passed.
I recently returned an item purchased four years ago in its original packaging. No doubt I’ll milk that experience for the next 20 years to justify my box hoarding 😇
I wonder if there’s other “offensive” terms we can find to highlight the absurdity and offensive nature of this action.
Teddy is the name of lingerie, so Teddy Roosevelt needs to be wiped out of history.
I’m sure there’s others …
I wonder if there’s other “offensive” terms we can find to highlight the absurdity and offensive nature of this action.
Teddy is the name of lingerie, so Teddy Roosevelt needs to be wiped out of history.
I’m sure there’s others …
Well a jailbroken device is “open”, and the exploit has been well documented, so as a user and developer of open source software for several decades and knowing just how poorly open source software is generally documented I thought I’d make a little joke.
Of course, this is the internet and not everyone has the same sense of humour.
In other words, it’s a joke … laugh.
If you open your CPU up to a jailbreak by being a dumkopf, does that really count as Open Source?
If you open your CPU up to a jailbreak by being a dumkopf, does that really count as Open Source?
To save money and storage, you can use the bricks of cocaine intercepted at the border … silver lining.
You’ll know when it hits mainstream when it’s referred to on the nightly news and every media outlet is running at least an account for each program, but hopefully an instance for each organisation.
We’re nowhere near that.
So … sanctions and tariffs?
When you launch chrome, you need to tap in the url bar to show the keyboard, so you can enter a search term or url, even when you start in incognito mode and have no bookmarks.
I have avoided Microsoft software for 25 years or so, so I don’t have any reference point, but there was a time when Google lead the pack in innovation, that’s no longer the case.
That’s got to be the absolute worst KPI I’ve ever heard of.
Don’t get me started.
Gmail for business has been renamed at least four times.
Google Home changed layout for no particular reason and made everything an extra click away.
Google Assistant removed perfectly working actions, try turning on your A/C at 3am in the morning whilst you’re sleeping.
Android changes navigation modes making everything worse.
Gmail keeps changing its layout.
Google Admin moves sections around for no reason.
Google search returns worse results every week.
Google Gemini is infecting every service.
Google Sites removed simple blogging functionality without any alternative.
Free services for life are now paid.
The boundary of where to host what, is not fixed. You cannot host the internet at home. Where people sit on the spectrum varies depending on skill, resources and need.
I highlighted several options that provide a solution for someone with limited skills and resources.
You could host a CALDAV server or a next cloud at home and use the suggestions I provided, or you could use those hosted by someone else.
My answer was to provide ideas, not a how-to guide, answering, in my opinion, exactly what OP was looking for.
That it doesn’t match your idea about solving the problem tells you that there are many ways to solve software problems. My suggestions had a low barrier to entry.
What’s your recommendation for OP?
For about a decade now google has been changing shit for no particular reason, this is just the latest.
Or women.
Or transgender.
Or heathens.
Or poor.
Or disabled.
The list is essentially anyone who is not a Christian white cis male.
We’re going to need lots of popcorn.
Nothing and everything.
There are thousands if not millions of open source solutions scattered around society. Some are feature complete, most are not. Some are maintained, many are not. A handful are funded, the rest is not.
What open source needs, more than anything else is fundraising and the means to distribute those funds to the tune of the trillions of dollars that the corporate world extracts in profits from those open source efforts.
In other words, the people who make this need to get paid.
Firefox terms and conditions, Red Hat, and several other projects that have caused uproar through the community, are all caused by the need to get paid to eat food and have a roof over your head whilst you contribute to society and give away your efforts.
Skirting the edge of self hosting, I was faced with this question last month. I ended up with a Ubiquity UCG Ultra. It has all the network management tools on-board and for the first time in a long time I can manage my network from anywhere on the planet.
Access can be via a web UI, or an app.